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(FINISHED) Oh my! Who's opened the bird cage?



  • Acv
    Acv Posts: 650
    Congratulations to the winners and thanks @Lola_Pop for the contest.
  • doniell7162
    doniell7162 Posts: 31

    Level 3

    Candy Crush Saga.



  • AbhinavSargar
    AbhinavSargar Posts: 3,726
    edited May 2020

    Bird 1- Odus from Candy Crush Friends Saga

    Bird 2- Charlie from Diamond Diaries Saga

    Bird 3- Crow from Farm Heroes Super Saga

    Bird 4- Crow from Blossom Blast Saga

    Bird 5- Green Owl from Bubble Witch Saga

    Bird 6- Choo Choo from Farm Heroes Saga

    Bird 7- Odus from Candy Crush Saga same as in appearance to Dreamworld.

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,053

    Good Answers! @AbhinavSargar 👍

  • AbhinavSargar
    AbhinavSargar Posts: 3,726

    Thanks @Lim

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,053

    You are welcome! @AbhinavSargar #foolishcandyplayer 😊

  • BlossomBees243
    BlossomBees243 Posts: 62

    Level 3

    Blossom blast saga

    3, Crow

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,053

    Hello there and welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    Thank you for your answering but sorry for your reply because this contest is ended already! 😔

    Don't be sad! Here are another King's Game contests for you :

    And it's Guess the language! You can also click here to help them and answer what's languages from that you can chance to win 10 Gold Bars to three lucky players on King's game of your choice if you got all of the languages correctly. (If you have playing AlphaBetty Saga, You'll win 50 Gold Bars on this game!) 😊

    (That contest is ended on 3rd July 2020)

    You can also check and don't forget to see another hot news such as contests (join to answer it to chance to win gold bars too (boosters)) and other news if you have playing any King's Game! 😉

    So click here to check another hot news! 📰 Keep your eyes out! 👀

    Good luck and have a nice day! 😊

  • Hi

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,053

    Hello there! Everyone! 👋

    Oops! Sorry for your reply because this contest is really finished already. 😔

    Don't worry! You can participate and answer here (Test your psychic powers and win gold bars!) that you can chance to win gold bars to the King game of your choice! 😉

    You can also click here to select your King's Game first then you participate and answer that you can chance to win gold bars on your game (games) from contests. 😉

    ⚠️ Note ⚠️

    "Announcement" (you can see pink colour board of announcement while green box), it means contest is still active while you can joined and answered that you can still chance to win free gold bars. And "Finished", it means contest is ended or finished that contest has no longer to be announced while you cannot win gold bars as it's too late!

    I hope you can understand to read it and participate on contests. Good luck and have a nice day! 🤞😊

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