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(FINISHED) 20 for 20 or 2020!! (New Year-New Contest)



  • Thanks for tagging me, @Lim!
  • villella0303
    villella0303 Posts: 7

    Level 2

    edited January 2020
    (Edit by CM: Off-Topic)
  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,758
    Hello @123raja123 👋
    Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    Oh! That is not level 20 or level 2020 on Candy Crush Saga. You make sure play again to show your best score on level 20 or level 2020 on Candy Crush Saga. You can chance to win 20 gold bars in your King game's choice! 😊

    Except this contest, You can click on to select 'Games' here, then you click on "Candy Crush Saga" or other King Game (Games) if you have playing any King's Games. After that, you don't miss out to see to join these game's contests to chance to win gold bars (boosters) too! 😉
    (You can see "Announcement" in any King's Games Community here but "Finished" means these contests are over or no longer to join!)

    You can also check and don't forget to see another hot news such as contests (join to answer it to chance to win gold bars too (boosters)) and other news! 😉
    So click here to check another hot news! 📰 Keep your eyes out! 👀

    Have a nice day! 😊
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 11,816
    edited January 2020

    =) ... Level 20, 'cause it is always nice to go back to the basics ... =)


    B) - LEVEL 20 --->>> Score 303520 B) 

  • *Stardust*
    *Stardust* Posts: 8

    Level 2

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,758
    Well done for your best score and welcome to Sweet King Community! @frenioz00 and @indigoskye 👍

    Except this contest, You can click on to select 'Games' here, then you click your current playing games if you have playing any King's Games. After that, you don't miss out to see to join these game's contests to chance to win gold bars (boosters) too! 😉
    (You can see "Announcement" in any King's Games Community here but "Finished" means these contests are over or no longer to join!)

    You can also check and don't forget to see another hot news such as contests (join to answer it to chance to win gold bars too (boosters)) and other news! 😉
    So click here to check another hot news! 📰 Keep your eyes out! 👀

    Have a nice day! 😊
  • 123raja123
    123raja123 Posts: 8

    Level 2

    My reward
  • fortune
    fortune Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Hello everyone... Just new here and trying to participate and win golds aswell... Thank you and keep on smiling everyone.

    Here is my score level 20 candy crush saga...l
  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,758
    Well done for your best score and welcome to Sweet King Community! @fortune 👍

    Except this contest, You can click on to select 'Games' here, then you click your current playing games if you have playing any King's Games. After that, you don't miss out to see to join these game's contests to chance to win gold bars (boosters) too! 😉
    (You can see "Announcement" in any King's Games Community here but "Finished" means these contests are over or no longer to join!)

    You can also check and don't forget to see another hot news such as contests (join to answer it to chance to win gold bars too (boosters)) and other news! 😉
    So click here to check another hot news! 📰 Keep your eyes out! 👀

    Have a nice day! 😊
  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Hello Raja This is nice with your reward, only that has nothing to do with the competition. You have to find a level of what you played. That means a level at 20 or 2020. The game doesn't matter. I hope I could help you !!! Good luck

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