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  • Treatster
    Treatster Posts: 10

    Level 2

    It's really disturbing to NOTE that the pandemic was known by some authors.

    Did they plan it after every 100 years or...?

  • Treatster
    Treatster Posts: 10

    Level 2

    Stay safe stay clean .

    No to suicide even if you've lost everyone in this crisis.

    There's a reason why you're alive.

    Perhaps to make a difference in somebody's life. Who knows you can be a life saver.

    Have faith in your creator.

    #notosuicide #staysafe #coronavirusawareness

  • sweetie21
    sweetie21 Posts: 19

    Level 2

    Hi sweetie21 again and I'm Thankful for another day and I live in Bronx NY and things are pretty hectic around here stores closed it's never been so quiet in the Bronx , but also the food in the super markets are limited which I have never seen so my eyes are wide open to such a sad feeling but I don't let it get the best of me. Today as I was taking the train home I seen a middle-aged man well groomed and I took a look at him and all I seen was his tears running down his face and that's when it hit me how bad things are going so he asked a young lady if she had a mask for sale he wanted to pay what ever and she told him she didn't have any so I looked over to him and handed him what I only had and it was a pair of gloves and his expression on his face was as if I have given him a million dollars and he asked me how much did I want for them and I told him nothing and he looked at me and said God bless me and that was so intense for me because we have to make the best of what we have and that made my day so happy.

  • Glenn1972
    Glenn1972 Posts: 16,650

    Hi @sweetie21 , that middle-aged man will remember you the rest of his life and I applaud your simple act of kindness. That is exactly what it is going to take for all of us in this world to get thru this until numbers start to decline.

    That middle-aged man met a angel today ❤️ Thank you for being there for him. We all need to follow your example and try to be happy we are able to do what we can everyday of our life

    Please stay well and keep safe☺️

  • Lotus_Flower
    Lotus_Flower Posts: 7,080

    @sweetie21 you made my day. That was such a kind and selfless thing to do. I applaud you. Stay safe dear.

  • i concur @Glenn1972 , @sweetie21 was truly an angel and that man will never forget her! I love hearing about random acts of kindness. Altruism is needed now more than ever! I can only imagine taking the train is a nerve- racking experience , Sweetie21.😍 I don;t get out much , but I did talk with my aunt today. She has to take a train, daily, to her job. Throughout our conversation, she was venting about it, then apologizing. I told her to not worry and vent away, the counselor is in! She spoke with me for an hour. After we got off the phone i sent her some of those funny TP memes that are going around and she laughed!

    I thank you also for being so kind towards the elderly man, Sweetie21! I look forward to reading more of your adventures as the weeks pass. Many blessings to you and your family, stay safe and never lose that kind heart! 💗

  • This game can help, yes.

  • Nck
    Nck Posts: 5,281

    @Rancid wierd I love it!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍😷 be safe everyone!!!!!

  • ohdonna319
    ohdonna319 Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Let go and let God 🙏🏻🙏🏻

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