New avatars! Vote on your favourite - Round 1

It's time for some new fresh Community avatars and since I made so many and they all won't fit in the Community avatar selection, I want your help to choose the cutest, funniest, coolest and the sweetest new avatars.
I will post 10 avatars every week for four weeks where you can vote on YOUR favourite!
After these weeks we'll hopefully see which ones you prefer and maybe it's your favourite that will get added.
These avatars are Week 1, but you can find avatars for Week 2 here already!
Every vote counts and vote now!
New avatars! Vote on your favourite - Round 1 1090 votes
Hello! @Crazy Cat Lad 👋
❤️ My favourite Avatar is Anna because she is more beautiful than Lucy and other characters. Wow! Sassy! ❤️
So I hope the players also love Anna's Avatar! 😍
And I will tagging active players to vote your favourite avatar :
(Tagging name's list - Part 1)
@AbhinavSargar, @lilac68, @TaniaSloan, @stan1981, @lulu13, @yukibear, @Flanje, @donnakessler, @debrichmond, @Yosca, @KENTFIELDER, @lcalloway82, @Jasmina, @ArmyArms, @GranBarb, @sam_123, @ZoricaPanda, @SarLou, @JulesAg, @TrishaRobbeCandy, @firebombmarkus, @frenioz00, @Spinnifix, @Mmmkingfan, @MataiceAlison, @AShadow, @Sofia1992, @Julie_Andrews, @Mahiveche, @Elsa, @imabearnut, @destiny3, @JoJo333, @ivy2020, @FaRayha, @Mim_, @TheRevenger, @the_revenger, @siti_payung, @Sukanta_Biswas, @BeckyBubblegum, @Deryck, @christine88, @encantes, @caambuj, @DeepshikhaSharan, @Sharon_Loose, @LauraLMason, @Yosca, @piaandersson, @Acv, @Mangai, @Simon888, @Swimming, @Fakhri, @Scooterpie, @wozziewoo, @Sammyjo, @sakura, @SagaR, @DoubleB423,
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(Tagging name's list - Part 2)
@RobinCorte , @samm_kml, @foxyfox, @Betts, @Mattia_, @Glenn1972, @stramonium, @caambuj, @Lucas_Yan_Maia, @SabrinaM, @Foley1362, @johamilton, @mysticalmysty, @kiara_wael, @Werner_Cichy, @stan1981, @Nck, @Nat09, @SeraphicStar, @bearwithme, @kaiser1618, @Rancid, @paul5473, @abe_coffee, @Crimson_Dawn, @LizzyLemondrop, @wafercookieflippers, @mercerik, @Chicken_Slayer, @MiaChristine, @candycrushinit, @flew66, @BQN537, @Special_K369, @gr33n3y3z, @PummyRaj, @STOKEDER, @slidey, @ShannaSkywolf, @SugarDonuts, @Mattia_, @kingcrushinit, @Mistyfan, @Popower, @Pocahontas1, @pompamandy83, @Albert_Heinrich, @richcastle, @Byrd59, @QueenReineer, @LatishaWillyard, @mimi1954, @Spieler_8675309, @MorphButterfly, @sarma_palash123, @Marzia333, @tininha1975, @Gourav01, @Aitch, @Peter_Tornaros, @Breee, @Ashraf, @mimi1954, @Coconathecat, @Mary_Kay, @RumellKhan123, @Bumper2019, @LoveDachs, @JethrinaBodina, @KimElston, @akthamabuali, @LoLo513, @jess_ica_123, @Harrypotter, @JabinDavis, @JDNORAfan, @Anika499, @MountainMom, @starsweet, @RegalRenz, @Leanna_Allen and @satnam 👋
What's your favourite King's Game Avatar? 😊
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I just love Misty. I think she's my favorite character in CCFriends. She's just so darn cute! She brings out the little girl in me I suppose.
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Thanks @Lim for the tag sorry but I voted for Misty 😊
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Hello @Crazy Cat Lad !
Thanks Lim for marking !!! 🤗
I also have a dark side and I love horror and scary movies.
So I take the mind. Fits me better !!!
I love this movie ♥
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This one is unique.
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Corgi Dog
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Corgi Dog
Voted ✅