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level 5764

Hi I'm new here, I'm at level 5764, I would like to know, what level is the first place, Thank you☺️


  • Hello @Claudete_Tardivo

    If you’re play Candy Crush Saga then there are over 7000 levels. ✔️

    What game do you play? 👍

    If you need help to explore the community here then follow this link...

    Thanks for joining the King Community. 🤗

    Teresa 🦋🌺🦋

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,217

    Hi @Claudete_Tardivo let me join @teresawallace44 in welcoming you to our friendly community. Have fun.

    Also let me help you by giving you the following links to tell you everything you need to know

    useful links to help you learn your way around. You can go here to join discussion, games and more. If you go here and here you will find everything there is know your way around the community. A tip for you if you want to contact a specific person then type @ then there name then select it from the drop down that appears so it turns black that way they will be notified Have a starlistic day ⭐

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