Official Announcement regarding Bubble Witch Saga’s Development
I am extremely upset that 'Bubble Witch' is going away. Why not let us keep playing and just not update it anymore? There are still so many levels available that it doesn't make sense to take it away and not let us finish the many levels still there. I just got to the end of 'Bubble Witch 3', as I don't have mobile, only Facebook to play it on. I have been playing these games for such a long time and now I won't have either to play anymore! This is so disappointing, especially during this stressful time of Covid when we need these games even more. It sucks that you're getting rid of Facebook games and only letting people with cell phones play. Bubble Witch 2 is lousy, so that's the only one I've never played. Get rid of that instead! 😪😪😪
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I am very sorry to see it go away. This is by far my favorite game. I have completed everything but still come in twice a day- to get my daily gift, to see if any friends need help and to play my daily bonus. Sorry you can not just leave it up for us old folks.
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**Edit by CM: Unsupported language**
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Hi all you bubble witch 1 fans this is sad news for all of you. When you have loved playing your game for such a long time. I play bubble witch 3 and would be devastated if it ended so I do genuinely feel for you.
I really do hope we don't loose you from our bubble witch community and you can become to love bubble 2 or 3 just as much.
I hope to still see you around 👍🙂
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I feel it’s weird because if they remove Bubble Witch 1 but still keep BW2 and BW3 when seeing it in the app stores it can make people think ‘ ahh there is 2 and 3 but where is the first one?’ You know a break in the chain of BW1, BW2, BW3. I see it as they are getting rid of the first one as it’s not relevant anymore.
I sometimes play BW3 so I’m only familiar with that one. 🌸
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Oh no... PLEASE King - consider leaving this game alive. 😟
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I agree with you... 😉
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I am heartbroken that you are killing off Bubble Witch Saga!!! It is my favorite game. I play it everyday, you might say I'm addicted to it. I do not care for BW2 and BW3. They are too cartoony and flashy for my taste. I will miss my witch friends and their cats, and the beauty of the artistic graphics. I wish you would just leave it up for us traditionalist game players. It's a sad, sad thing to lose this game. I am very disappointed in you King games. Shame on you!