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Official Announcement regarding Bubble Witch Saga’s Development



  • ricm123
    ricm123 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I wish you would wait till the end of the year. I have 4 levels to go to beat the game. Since it takes 2 weeks to finish a level, I am screwed. Any way to eliminate the mandatory wait between said levels? Something. I am so close to the end I can taste it ..


    Rick Morton

  • johamilton
    johamilton Posts: 27,626

    Is there anyone we can get an answer to a question.In the this group, we have lots of gold that needs to be given away to another friend as a present...can this be done up to October 2nd or September 7th...

  • dikey
    dikey Posts: 9

    Level 2

    I’m gutted about the demise of Bubble Witch Saga, I still play it and it was the first game I ever downloaded and played on my iPad. I don’t care for BubbleWitch3. Please allow us to still play it, I was trying to re do my levels to get 3 stars on each!

  • annso87
    annso87 Posts: 4

    Level 1

    I am so really really sorry to hear this. Bubble witch is a fantastic game <3 bubblewitch 2 and/or 3 is not half as fun and really hasn't got the graphics that the first bubbelwich has, they feels like plastic :-/ I have played bubbel witch to the end but is still in every single day to send gifts to my friends and play the bonus chapter. Please send me an invitation to the funeral and a bag of kleenex 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  • Nadine_Dennison
    Nadine_Dennison Posts: 5

    Level 2

    This sucks! I loved playing Saga original. The other sagas, 2 and 3 suck! Guess I won't be plying any with Sagas anymore! BOOOOO!

  • Sofia1992
    Sofia1992 Posts: 2,526

    Hello everyone and thanks for the tag @MightyWolf.

    Those are very sad news to see the original Bubble Witch game die.

    Many players played it and had alot of fun with it.

    Too seeing it go away will make many people sad.

    Bubble Witch Saga was one of the best games that King ever created and this game when it was first-released, it brought huge success on King's first steps as company.

    Bubble Witch Saga...R.I.P and thanks for bringing fun to the players who played it and enjoyed it so much.~

    You will never be forgotten from your fans!

  • tmarmstrong1234
    tmarmstrong1234 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Well at least I got to finish bubble witch both the game and internal isles just going threw it one more time to see if I can get 3 stars on all levels.

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,120

    Hello! @johamilton 👋

    I will tagging @teresawallace44 the Pyramid Solitaire Expert Player that how she can help you. 😊

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,120

    Hello! New Bee Players! 👋

    Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑

    We can only use English on this discussion of King Community. 

    Don't worry! You make sure to translate from your current language to English language first then you copy and paste with using English Language on Google Translate as well. 

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    Here is a link to help you learn your way around the community. Here is a guide to help you locate the different areas in the community! Here you'll find the game communities, you can get answers to the most frequent issues here, and here you can participate in competitions and win Gold Bars and more! 👈️

    Have a nice and safety day! 😊

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