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Extra, Extra read all about it!

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,546
edited January 2021 in Discussions

One day Jelly Queen is helping a player with his game level when she hears someone shouting "Extra, Extra read all about it".

She stops him to find out what's going on.

"I don't know anything," he says. "I was just told to spread the word and to give everyone a copy of this newspaper.

He gives Jelly Queen a copy and continues on his way shouting "Extra, Extra read all about it"....................

Jelly Queen finishes helping the player and he can now move on to the next level. She looks at the paper that was handed to her. She reads the first page but it really doesn't say much. It says something about Valentine's Day and we're going to be surprised but not much more than that. She is sooooo puzzled and as she walks away from helping the player she has to call Tiffi to see if she knows what's happening.

"Hi Tiffi, what's going on in the community?" asks Jelly Queen. "Some boy was shouting Extra, Extra and he handed me a newspaper. But when I read the first page it doesn't tell me which. Do you know what it could be?"

Tiffi is just as puzzled and suggests that she ask the players in the community to see if they know.

Sounds like a great idea!

So what do you think is coming to the community that is causing such a fuss? @Diamond Lim could you please tag this message. I sure hope that someone can find an answer to this mystery.



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