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Can you read encrypted text?

bearwithme Posts: 16,946
edited February 2021 in Discussions

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“Hey @PrettyBubbles, have you ever seen sentences that are scrambled and yet you were able to read it?” asks @bearwithme. “For example, look at what Blossom is pointing to. Can you read it? I have no problem reading it at all.”

No matter how scrambled the words are, your mind will be able to read it. The reason - if the first and last letters of the word are correct then our mind will be able to fill the gap between these letters with prior knowledge of the word and you will be able to read it even without thinking about it.

Community members, have you ever come across anything like this? Were you able to read it correctly? 

Let's test this further. Look for some of these encrypted text messages and post them here to see if we can all read them correctly.😊🐨💕

@Elsa 💖



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