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Ouch has the community spam block gone from 120 seconds to 180 seconds



  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @Nix66 Wow different spam blocks on different people. the one thing i always thought strange is why a recognised helper has a spam block at all and poor @Elsa 5 minutes is a hell of a long time for any spam block, good job she likes writing stories.

    @Spinnifix I appreciate what you are saying but for me Lim has always been the tagger. I think she also does a good job of this. Seen more and more people doing this now, but for me i do like the fact i can tag Lim and ask her to do this for me. Do not really know many that have a list as comprehensive as hers and she is always updating it. Whether this will change or not i dont know but again for me on the outside if any normal communtiy members want to post a discussion they want tagging to always good to have one general person

    I also understand you / ambassadors may feel a little left out of the GM bit, but honestly do not think it makes a differnce if you are or not part of this. Look at me i had to give it up for my sanity as could not work with 1 person. Sometimes better just being the simple player, less hassle.

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,552

    Oh Freddy I couldn't handle the 120 seconds and now they increased the wait. Maybe I need to direct @Xarly to come here to see this.

    @Nix66 what you are showing as the 300 second wait is what I always get when I post my stories. I have to time them correctly or that keeps popping up and I have to wait a good 5 minutes if not a bit longer.

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,552

    Freddy when I am uploading my stories I open 3 tabs to that area and I go from one to the other. Sometimes if I am editing an image then it works in my favor and I don't get that message but 90% of the time I get it.

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429


    I understand what you mean by Lim. Yes, it is one side, but the other side is that it takes the job away from the other moderators. Each moderator has their area and Lim is everywhere. That has to stop. Otherwise we only need a moderator. Thats what I meant. But, to be honest, what kind of ambassadors are we when we are not allowed to do anything in our areas? It doesn't make any sense at all. When I say it, the players are speechless and confused. Because they can't believe it. Okay, it all depends on your topic now. I don't have time to be big here today. I only take a short break from housework.

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @Spinnifix Will let you get on with your housework, but for me and i think all in CCS forum would agree that Having Lim do this is far better for them, than having to do this as well as all the other stuff thats going on but again we all have different opinions. maybe things like this should be voted on by those in the right positions

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Something just occurred to me. It could be solved differently. There should be no spam blocker for the helping hands in the community. For the simple players only, that could be left as it is. In that case, I agree for the differences. Because we are still different from the simple players. That would have to be differentiated. Because in discussions you can always bring suggestions with you. That's me !!😉👍️

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 11,816
    edited April 2021

    @Freddy_, this is what I get when trying to consecutively report most of this person's (Erewhon) 120+ off-topic and mainly racist & offensive comments. ⬇️

    Yeah, that's what I get for trying to report this dude, a spam block!

    ... ... ... But he gets to have 120+ comments where he bashes Community Members & CMs alike, is constantly off-topic with random stuff and, cherry on top of this *insert poop emoji here* cake of a person, insults African-American people like my husband @MAW1972 with foul language, derogatory words & racist innuendos remarks that, for everyone's sake, I shall not here reproduce.

    I'm full blown livid at this point! 😤

    I wish my dear crusader @Flanje/@Phallannel_G/@Bumper2019 was here around us, he'd share our outrage & probably accomplish more than we have when trying to deal with these kind of *again, insert poop emoji here*. Perhaps El Comandante @Spieler_8675309 can summon him from the abyss... or perhaps we should join them there. 😶

    ◽️ Ccing others who have joined this Discussion ---> @wykoon, @Alienscar, @Diamond Lim, @Fluzzard, @me6412, @Nix66 & @Elsa. ◽️

    *Silver lining here though It is not very often that @Spinnifix & I are on the same track when it comes to different Community matters but on this one I fully agree with her. 💯 Yes Peggy, I agree with you & support your suggestion of Game Mods & Ambassadors being free of any kind of spam block.

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,275

    Yes! @Miss_Dani

    Erewhon has posting so many spam and offensive messages / words on those threads. (Like CandyTaster and CandyCrusher too on Candy Crush Discussion Community)

    So we will like Community Team should banning him as well.

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429
    edited April 2021


    Hello Daniela, my sweetie!

    We don't have any more problems, everything is fine. Thank you for agreeing to me. You know I have a lot of ideas and I see a lot. You can talk to me calmly.🤗

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Yes, I get the spam blocker very often, especially when I have it moved to the language areas. I go through the idea areas and things have to be moved away from there. Even when I send the guide to players. This is of no help to the player and we just scare them off. Yes, the CM's favorite phrase: they know what's best for the community. I see a lot that it is becoming more and more of an empty community. A community without players. The sentence concerns the community. The players are not mentioned in it if you take it literally. Yes, I can combine well.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?