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  • snakegore999
    snakegore999 Posts: 781
    edited November 2022

    After thinking it over, I think I can write another longer short story based on this fan art, going over in detail what would happen if Denize decided to join Hilda's pillager clan. Look out for it at the Off-Topic area if I get around to writing it.

    UPDATE: This will be a 2-part short story. Part 1 is here:

  • snakegore999
    snakegore999 Posts: 781
    edited November 2022
  • snakegore999
    snakegore999 Posts: 781
    edited November 2022

    Here is a full-color version of my fan art of Denize as a Candy Cup cheerleader. Note how her cheerleading garb is colored accordingly to be consistent with other characters' Candy Cup attire, such as a predominant blue color with gold accents and a Candy Cup symbol on her bra.

    Also note that I have changed my profile picture to Archie because he's an artist and would excel at painting fellow CCS characters like Denize in-universe.

  • Yet another piece of fan art about Denize once again! This time, I've imagined that she makes the ultimate lemonade in the Candy Kingdom - her signature pink pitaya (dragonfruit) lemonade, straight out of Lemonade Lake. Here's a 2D picture of a juice carton that's filled with the good stuff!

    Because it has dragonfruit, it's loaded with healthy nutrients...but it'll still give you a nasty sweet tooth.

  • With winter coming around the corner, I present my next Denize fan art, in which Odus and Denize formally and joyfully celebrate their Ice Cream Games' Pairs Skating championship earlier this year! They look totally overjoyed at winning it all, with Denize wrapping her tail around that crystal trophy, just like how she answered my friend when they asked her how she felt about winning it all.

    I've also got some merry fan art about how our long, lemonade-loving lizard lady does Crush-mas in the works. Look out for it on Christmas day!

  • This just in: with two Asian teams qualifying for the bracket of the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar (Japan and Korea), it's about time that I celebrate with some mini close-up fan art of Tiffi preparing Denize (since she's an eastern dragon) to hit the pitch with Team Candy by helping her get her shinguards on.

    A few notes for this piece of art:

    • This is the first time I've drawn Tiffi in whole or part (I've yet to draw her entirely).
    • I could have shown the whole thing, but I feel that it would not be worth the effort to show Denize completely this time since she's wearing nothing but shinguards and cleats and I do not find it justifiable to draw her again and again. I am also concerned that if I expand the picture's scope and show Tiffi completely (which I thus sadly cannot do here), someone might make a naughty, but unintended interpretation of the image. Thus, I can only show Tiffi's hands gripping the velcro straps of the shinguard.
  • snakegore999
    snakegore999 Posts: 781
    edited December 2022

    Today is Christmas Day and I've got my grandest Denize fan art I'd like to share yet - a sweet, sweet postcard from her that shows our super-long lemonade-loving lizard lady celebrating Crushmas right beside her frozen Lemonade Lake with her three kids. 

    They all open their presents and are overjoyed at what they get: Izzy herself gets everything she wanted from her wishlist in a Candy Crush tweet earlier this month (sunglasses, rollerskates and bubblegum) and her kids each get their own pair of ice skates for the frozen lake. This is a moment worthy of a postcard, as you can see, placed on a table at home near a fireplace, which Tiffi and the rest of the gang can see as Izzy is probably unlikely to join them all since she's too tall to go inside a building.  

    There's plenty to take in with this piece of fan art, so bear with me:

    • First, this is the first time I've tried to show Lemonade Lake in the winter. There's snow all around and the lake is all frozen. It's too cold for Izzy to take a dip there as she usually does.
    • Ugly sweaters are popular attire for Christmas celebrations, so I had Denize wear one. I decided to make it striped because I just want to see how more eye-popping a snaky beast like her would look with stripes...tee-hee...
    • This depiction of Denize is perhaps my most accurate one yet, especially when it incorporates one key detail I've forgot in my other drawings of her so far: the hook-shaped end of her tail has to arc up behind her shoulders, in addition to it being a significant distance behind her waist. This also makes her look much more closely to her typical truncated look if you cover up her legs here.
    • The sunglasses are star-shaped because it reflects Izzy's history as a stardust hunter in the Denize's Star Dust event, a previous Candy Crush event where players competed to earn as many stars as possible from clearing levels within a time limit.
    • As hot chocolate is also something you'd want to drink on a cold day, I drew her drinking some. The cool thing about it here is that she doesn't need a stove to heat this drink; her flame breath alone does the trick here. Given that her long, long neck and short arms make it difficult to drink from the mug directly, she drinks the coco right out of a long straw that has her spine spikes, which nicely reflects how she feels more home in liquid than on dry land.
    • The Christmas tree wasn't originally planned to be in this image, but I decided that I needed one anyway to make it clear that this is the holidays. You'll thank me for putting it in there!
    • To the right of the picture are Izzy's three children. A screenshot in the Candy Creative Season last summer confirms that she has that many. They show different expressions of happiness about getting their ice skates that fit their tiny feet. 

    If you have any questions about this picture, let me know! Enjoy it! Merry Crush-mas to you all!

  • I have a short story of Denize entering our world through someone's tablet titled "The Sweet and Sour of the Real World", based on official YouTube videos showing Mr. Yeti, Olivia and Minty each visiting our world through someone's smartphone. Read it here!

  • Today's the Lunar New Year, and it's time for yet another piece of Denize fan art...since you can't celebrate a holiday like that without a wonderful monster like her! (Okay, her year would actually be NEXT year, but still...) And what could she be doing this time around? Nothing more than returning to Fudge Islands and collaborating with baker Berry to bake a huge batch of 75 sweet fortune cookies! What Candy Crush fortunes do you want written in each of them?

    This picture is worth a deeper look for a few reasons. First, it tries to give you a glimpse of how fortune cookies are made in real life. They start out as flat wafers, which Berry drips out onto the baking sheet from the now-empty batter bowl, using the same spoon she lost during the game's levels in Fudge Islands (which Denize helped her find with her fiery breath) as a nice touch. There's no need for an oven here because Izzy here is the oven, ready to open her jaws and let loose a hot blast to bake 'em all before Berry can then fold the fortune slips into the cookies as they cool and harden.

    Secondly, understand that this picture was quite hard to draw. The challenge here was that I had to make sure that the image's perspective allowed me to properly draw a big tray of cookies laid flat on a table, while also conveying how tall and imposing our super-long lizard lady here is. I had to make her stand in such a way that her arms would be at level with Berry's on the cookie table, while making sure that her body is long and slim enough to make her a little intimidating to Berry. My initial sketch got the perspective so wrong that I had to re-construct the cookie table and baking tray digitally, as well as rework the fudge platform Berry was preparing the cookies on.  

    Thirdly, I also went the extra mile to enhance the picture beyond what I initially sketched. I originally planned not to add a background, but decided that it would be worth doing anyway to help recapture the look of Fudge Islands and pay homage to some of the many locales of the vast Candy Kingdom. I went so far to add red and purple sprinkles, giant birthday candles and floating fudge islands, consistent with the location's appearance in the game. And I added a green mixing bowl not present in my original sketch as an additional touch to make the baking scene look a bit more authentic, to show that Berry herself made the batter for the fortune cookies and all she needed was Izzy's fire breath to finish things up.

  • With winter still in full swing, here's yet another piece of Denize fan art where I remind everyone that she's the best figure skater of the Candy Kingdom! She gladly glides across the frozen Lemonade Lake with her little triplets, who are obviously enjoying the new skates they got for Crush-mas. Even the lake's wacky, long serpentine pipe and spigot are also frozen amidst the frigid weather!

    One interesting detail I've added to this fan art was the inclusion of Lemonade Lake's wacky serpentine pipe and spigot, responsible for dispensing lemonade into the lake to keep it full. It is an integral part of the lake and the scenario for its first appearance in the game. Another is how Izzy dresses up for the weather: she not only wears the green scarf seen in December's tweet about her Crush-mas wishlist, but also a nice lilac coat with a band of fur at the neck and waist, along with pale yellow mittens. In thinking about how a spiky, long dragon like her would wear a coat, I determined that it would have to be designed differently than a human coat in two key ways: 1) to accommodate the spikes on her back, the coat would be put on backwards, as in you would button her up at her back, with her spikes occupying the gaps between the coat's buttons, and 2) her mitten pockets would be fairly close to her chest because her arms are short, unlike how a human coat would have the pockets closer to the waist.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?