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  • Also, here's my fan art impressions of both the original appearances of the cute, new gummi dragon hatchlings, plus the imaginary crying counterparts I made in response to some negative reception to this change.

  • And here's another fan art piece I made where I imagined all the freed cute baby gummi dragon hatchlings got so happy that they broke out of smartphones and tablets in swarms to infest the real world.

  • Happy Easter! Here's a piece of fan art showing Dachs the Donut Dog fearlessly bringing candied eggs right up before Izzy's tender-toed feet!

    It's based on the following screenshot below:

  • snakegore999
    snakegore999 Posts: 781
    edited May 2023

    AAPI Heritage Month is finally here and I've got a gorgeous full definitive fan art rendition of Denize the dragon right here, and this time, I've made sure to capture almost every important visual detail of her appearance. She is truly a monstrosity to behold and it's fascinating that she's a friendly, sweet senior citizen of the Candy Kingdom despite her towering, menacing appearance!

    Here's also an improved picture of her being friends with Hilda the pillager, eager to hear more about her latest adventures and treasure finds. The scale of this picture will steal your breath!

    Here's also an updated version of the fan art I made about Denize's pink pitaya lemonade carton that reflects this new look.

  • snakegore999
    snakegore999 Posts: 781
    edited May 2023

    Happy Mothers' Day in the United States! Here's my fan art of Denize hugging one of her kids while floating in Lemonade Lake!

    Note that this is the first time I have shown Denize floating out at home in Lemonade Lake. with her legs hidden beneath the surface. I was originally going to show her on dry land with all three of her kids, but decided that it would be too much work to do, so I settled with a simpler picture. Also observe the ripples emanating on the surface from where she floats as a nice touch.

  • snakegore999
    snakegore999 Posts: 781

    Here's an updated re-coloring of my Denize cheerleader fan art to celebrate the beginning of a new Candy Cup for the Nostalgia Summer Season in Candy Crush!

  • snakegore999
    snakegore999 Posts: 781

    Here's another Denize fan art piece where I show her at home, relaxing at Lemonade Lake.

  • snakegore999
    snakegore999 Posts: 781
    edited June 2023

    When Hilda learned about how Denize needed bedtime stories to fall asleep at Lullaby Lake, she decides to find out for herself if her stories about her latest and greatest treasure hunts would also achieve the same effect on our super-long lemonade-loving lizard lady.

    What I loved about making this picture is not only how it's yet another idea on how Hilda and Izzy can be BFFs, but also how the viewing angle and frame makes Izzy look like a giant snake, with her head blocking your view of her tiny arms and her legs put out of the image frame.

  • snakegore999
    snakegore999 Posts: 781

    Hilda and Denize continue their friendship with fistbumps and high-fives. However, due to Izzy's huge height, short arms and clawed fingers, she must use her prehensile tail instead of her hands.

  • snakegore999
    snakegore999 Posts: 781
    edited June 2023

    And here's my own fan art take of Denize getting her beauty sleep! I positioned her in such a way that you can easily mistake her for a giant serpent.

    Her arms are behind her head and her legs and tail are behind her abdomen.

    Oh, and whatever you do, DO NOT DISTURB HER! She has a black belt in crush-fu and will make anyone who does so feel sorry for disturbing her slumber!!

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