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  • This year is also the 70th anniversary of Universal Pictures' classical horror film Creature from the Black Lagoon! Envious of how his wife got to dress up as a Sandworm from the world of Beetlejuice, Mr. Dragon dresses up as a Gill-Dragon, the dragon version of Gill-Man. You could even go ahead and call him the Dragon from the Yellow Lagoon!

    The Gill-Dragon costume Mr. Dragon wears needed to reflect the skin of Gill-Man himself. His scales are much more pronounced, except towards his belly, so I added additional lines to reflect a hardier texture. Furthermore, I also made his neck frills more webbed to reflect the webbed-like ears of the monster himself, as well as added some small fins to his forearms to complete the transformation. Enjoy being amused and horrified at his transformation as Halloween comes!

  • Here is my latest


  • October is here, and it's time to dive in depth for several more magical mer-dragon fan art! First, here's the promised updated version of the very first mer-dragon art I've designed in late August, which puts Denize, Milly, Olivia and Didi all merrily having a fun time under the sea together!

    I had a few reasons to imagine Denize being a mer-dragon. First, this year is both a Year of the Dragon and the 35th anniversary of Disney's "happy ending" animated film adaption of Hans Christian Andersen's The Little Mermaid, which spawned a cult following as well a live-action remake last year. Second, I also thought that because she's also a Chinese dragon with scales and barbels, I thought it wouldn't be too far-fetched to show her being more of a fish, as these anatomical elements are also present in these animals as well. And thirdly, I just thought it would be silly and fun.

    Replacing her entire lower body with a long fish tail wasn't going to be enough. I had to go so far as to give her a seashell brassiere just like Princess Ariel from the animated film and color it lemonade yellow because of Denize's high anthropomorphic nature. I also went so far as to add a few more details to the fish tail to make the transformation more natural: the tail would maintain all of Denize's spine spikes, in which they would function more like the finlets on the tail of a tuna. I also added a long anal fin and made sure that the tail fin was big and majestic enough to be both visually appearing and hydrodynamic.

    In addition to adding in a new underwater background to build upon the magic, the two characters I chose to join Denize and Milly's meeting would be Olivia the Octopus and Denize's daughter Didi. Olivia was a natural choice because I easily recognized that as an aquatic animal she would have no problem going underwater to say hello, and she was one of the more popular characters in the game. I also thought she would be cool with meeting mermaids and mer-dragons alike. I also decided on throwing in Didi for added measure to show her that she was also down with being a mer-dragon for a time like her mom. For her tail, however, I decided to style it to look more like that of a goldfish, with red and orange coloring, because these particular, but popular fish kept as pets did originate from China.

  • While Denize is trying out her mer-dragon transformation, her husband drops by underwater to check her out and spend some intimate time with her underwater.

    This picture was my opportunity to juxtapose a dragon scuba diving suit with a mer-dragon for an interesting view, drawing upon my work last year on designing a scuba diving suit for Denize herself when she went underwater with Archie for treasure. Mr. Dragon's scuba diving suit would be colored differently, so I went with green.

    As for showing how the husband and wife here would show their love for each other underwater, I would use three points of contact here: 1) a near-kiss from lip to lip that's technically blocked by Mr. Dragon's fishbowl helmet, 2) clawed hands held together and 3) Mr. Dragon's prehensile tail wrapping around Denize's fish tail.

    Also note that before I went with Denize's mer-dragon transformation, I briefly considered her trying to dress as one with a costumed tail, but her legs were obviously too bulky for her to wear one, so only a magical transformation would do here. Stella the Witch, who crossed over from the Bubble Witch trilogy, immediately was the first spellcaster in this game to come to mind when choosing who would do the spell.

  • You thought mer-dragons would be crazy by this point, but imagine how you'd feel when I talk of PIRATE mer-dragons!

    That's right, Denize decides to try out being a pirate mer-dragon at one point. And yes, that means having a Jolly Roger hat, an eyepatch, a hookhand and a wooden sword. She does this because she wants to take advantage of how her transformation enables her to survive underwater longer than usual, if not infinitely. And that means exploring and swashbuckling for treasure very deep under the sea, too deep to obtain safely for others. At one time, she plunders a clam full of shiny white peppermint pearls. Knowing that her BFF Hilda would be interested, she swims up to her dragon boat, shows off her booty and offers her a cut of it, knowing that Hilda herself wouldn't be able to get such a treasure.

    This would be the first time I'd depict Denize near Hilda's dragon boat, whose figurehead is shaped into her species. And I thought up about the pirate mer-dragon idea as the most comfortable way of depicting dragons like her becoming a pirate because I just did not like seeing a dragon of her kind with a peg leg, especially with their legs being big and bulky. The lack of legs in a mer-dragon gave me the courage to imagine her as a pirate. Although, after making this picture, I then realized that a peg leg equivalent would technically exist for a pirate mer-dragon, which I may or may not show you.

    The sword Denize carries as a mer-dragon pirate is wooden and not a real weapon due to the family-friendly theme of Candy Crush Saga. After finishing up the picture, I also realized that pirates are sometimes accompanied by parrots. Combining this fact with how Denize was also friends with the owl Odus, I decided to imagine him as a pirate by her shoulder. He gets his own hat, and a longer tail and bigger beak to complete his transformation into a pirate parrot.

  • Here's a re-coloring of Denize and Didi's mer-dragon transformations so that they reflect that of the tails and attire of Princess Ariel and her daughter Melody from Disney's The Little Mermaid duology!

    It's a great way to honor the first film's 35th anniversary this year. Note that I had to remove the anal fin from both mer-dragons' tails because Ariel and Melody's tails don't have them.

  • Here's another lovely picture of Denize resting on a seashore at sunset after swimming around as a mer-dragon, the sun's rays baking her scales just as it sets.

    I made this picture just to give you another full look at Denize's mer-dragon appearance and to show how laid back she could be. I do want to comically note here that I used a pose of the Marvel superhero Deadpool resting calmly in front of a fireplace (used as a teaser image for the 2016 Deadpool film) as inspiration for the pose, reproduced below.

    As I was finishing the picture, I threw in some big rocks to prop her shoulders and tail fin upon to help viewers better see the latter above the sand. Sure, the transformation does severely limit her terrestrial mobility in that it removes half of her ventral scales used by snakes to slither, but somehow she manages to roll up into the sand to get this pose.

  • Boo! With Halloween coming up, I thought up of a cute spooky reskin of the Gummi Dragons as Ghost Gummi Dragons. But here's one scary twist: they're not in eggs, but in jack-o-lanterns!

    Previously, I depicted some sad gummi dragon ghosts because they tragically died, but here are some cute happy free spirits. I decided to have them crack open from jack-o-lanterns because some, but not necessarily I, believe that mysterious spirits live in them. But anyways, I think it would look cute to see them float away after their jack-o-lanterns drop off the board and crack open. Note that the cracked edge of the top of the jack-o-lantern is the same as the one from the original egg.

  • Last week, Aspyr Media announced that due to the success of the Tomb Raider Remastered collection that brought the first three games of the legendary Tomb Raider series to modern platforms, a second collection was now in development that would port the next three. Having realized that one iconic outfit from one of the games was spelled similar to Denize after this announcement, I decided that it was about darn time to have this dragoness cosplay Lara Croft again as I did to celebrate the first Remastered collection's release, wearing a denim outfit! It's as if the Dagger of Xian's transformation effect on her in Tomb Raider II persisted, making her a dragon Lara Croft for at least a long time.

    Yes, this is meant to be the same denim outfit Lara Croft sports in Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness, the last game in this new collection initially available on PC and PlayStation 2, and not a very bright chapter in the series, due to its rushed and shoddy development. But a new generation of gamers will be given a chance to understand what the game tried to do.

    As you can see, it was not hard to re-skin Denize's original Lara Croft cosplay to show her wearing this new outfit. Let's see her go save the world from darkness once again!

  • Halloween is coming, and it's time for another spooky sight - an improved X-ray image of Denize!

    This is an improvement over my earlier hand-sketched version last year. I used's multi-layer system to help draw Denize's skeleton more correctly on an isolated layer separate from the original full image of Denize, and made sure to add as much details to make it look good!

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