Who would like to help me?
@Elsa usually I study the board first to see what is needed to complete the level. When I have a color bomb I look for the special candy to match it to for the optimum outcome.
But sometimes I just play for the fun of it. Maybe to see how many color bombs I can create. Or I want to see how many chicks I can hatch.
@Zonaa you are tagged here because it's nice to be included in all aspects of the community. You might only be playing cotr now, but discover the joys of other king games later on. Plus you get to meet more members of the community. And we are a fun group worth meeting :)
Hi @Elsa ,
Here is a tip for CandyCrushFriendsSaga
Look for supermoves. When special candies are close together on the board (for example a fish near a stripped candy), your character tells you to match them. Don't be hasty, look around first. Maybe with 2-3 moves you can make a colorbomb near and do a lot more damage!