💼Badge of the Month- October
Hola y bienvenidos
Me gustaría llamar su atención sobre esto en esta sección, por favor publique en inglés. Si no puedes hablar inglés, usa un traductor de Internet.
A su pregunta: Esto es conocido y ya se han abierto muchas ideas. En algunos juegos, esta función ya existe.
Les deseo un gran día
Thanks @Diamond Lim
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The law would be...
A down day for everyone once a month, when they could not work at all or go to school but could just laze around!
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Love & be kind. 🍭💝🍬
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If I could create a law everyone would follow, it would be Health Care Insurance for parents. Parents provide their children with health insurance until the age of 26 yrs. Children should be able to add their parents to their health insurance if the parent is not able to work anymore up to the age of 65 yrs.
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Wow! I see so many players have answered on October Question greatly. Thank you for your participating and answering. Everyone! 😄
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I wish some of you could be in charge of creating new laws 😁 The world would be king-tastic!
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My law would be: let love rule! 😎 🤘