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👁11 October – World Day of Seeing 👀

Since 2000, the second Thursday in October has been dedicated to eyesight and eyesight. Because this date is celebrated in many countries as World Sight Day, which falls on October 14 in 2021. Reason enough to include this day of action in the calendar of curious holidays from all over the world and to illuminate its history with the following lines. What is it all about?

Who created World Sight Day?

As with many other contributions from the calendar of the medical action days, the origins and backgrounds of World Sight Day are relatively well documented. The original idea for this World Day of Seeing goes back to the Sight First Campaign initiated by the Lions Club International Foundation in 2000. Since then, this day of action has been an integral part of the global VISION 2020, which is coordinated by the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) in cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO).

Goals and intention: What is World Vision Day about?

World Vision Day aims to raise public awareness of the issues of visual impairment and blindness. The focus here is also on the medical successes achieved and greater attention to eye care (see also the articles on National Lash Day on February 19 and National Different Colored Eyes Day on July 12).

Against this background, this day of action has been held since 2005 under an annually changing motto, with which various aspects of vision and its endangerment are addressed:

  • 2005: The Right to Sight
  • 2006: Low Vision
  • 2007: Vision for Children
  • 2008: Fighting Vision Impairment in Later Life
  • 2009: Gender and Eye Health
  • 2010: Countdown to 2020

2011 and 2012: without its own motto

  • 2013: Universal Eye Health
  • 2014: No more Avoidable Blindness
  • 2015: Eye care for all
  • 2016: Stronger Together
  • 2017: Make Vision Count
  • 2018: Eye Care Everywhere
  • 2019: Vision First
  • 2020: Hope in Sight

When do you celebrate International Eyesight Day?

As already indicated at the beginning, today's International Day of Eyesight is a day of action with a flexible date. Why the initiators decided here but just for the second Thursday in October, I could not find out in the course of the research for the present article. However, it does not seem entirely unlikely that this should be understood as a reference to the first edition of World Sight Day, which took place on Thursday, October 12, 2000.

So that no one has to complain in the future that he/she did not know anything about this date or forgot about it, there is a list with all dates for the coming years below:

  2018: Thursday, October 11

  2019: Thursday, October 10

  2020: Thursday, October 8

  2021: Thursday, October 14

  2022: Thursday, October 13

  2023: Thursday, October 12

  2024: Thursday, October 10

  2025: Thursday, October 9

  2026: Thursday, October 8

  2027: Thursday, October 14

  2028: Thursday, October 12

  2029: Thursday, October 11

  2030: Thursday, October 10

  In this sense: a relaxed international day of seeing for you and your eyes. Whether in Germany or anywhere else in the world. :)



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