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👑 Pro Players - Welcome to the Community!



  • enochlarry123
    enochlarry123 Posts: 57

    Level 3

    How did you do this @Diamond_Lim

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,725

    Don't worry! You make sure go to Edit Profile then click on ✔️ of Link my King and Game login details? then save :

    After that, you should type your password to enter again. And that's it! You will be linking your King Game Account and your Community Account successful. 😊

    Please note: You need to confirm your email when you have your account created in order to link the accounts fully.

    And please note that you will need to use the same email account both for the Community account and the King account in order for them to be able to match them.

    If you want to change email address, you can write your email address again (use the same email account both for the Community account and the King account). Then you should type your password to enter again. And that's it! You will be linking your King Game Account and your Community Account successful again. 😊

    And as Lola Pop the Community Manager suggested another information :

    It's an automatic step, the system picks up the players who fit into the category, there's nothing they can check for you.

    Please remember: Pro Players play more, they are on higher levels and/or they have been around for the longest time! 🤗

    Check to read Pro Player's Rules here again! 😉

    I hope you can understand to read and do them! 😊

    Cheers! 😉

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,725

    Congratulations! @colournation @DomJuam and Another New Pro Players 🎉😄

    You are becoming Pro Players now! Royalty! 👑😄

    And don't forget to comment it here that you can claim this badge on your view profile who haven't commented it here yet because you become Pro Player on King Community right now :

    Also check 👑 Join our Kingdom and get this royal badge here! 😉

    Anyway, Which King's game have you playing? 😊

    You can also check more King Community Topics such as Learn more guides around King Community and etc on my below signature (click on spoiler warming button) here. 👇

    Hello there! Another Players! 👋

    Don't be sad! I am sure you may becoming Pro Player! Stay tuned again! 😉

    Good luck! Everyone! 👍😄

  • Brarz
    Brarz Posts: 245

    Hi @Diamond_Lim

    1.Look at my red circle in the screen shot. This option does not appear on my profile. Please tell me how to get this option.

    2. My mail id is correct on the edit profile and when I click on the username nothing happens and by clicking the keyboard the key is opened, the board is open only when i enter my mail id I click on but my mail id is correct so I don't have to change anything on the mail id. As the keyboard opens on the mail id, then why the keyboard does not open by clicking on the username?

         When did I try to do all this but nothing happened. Please also let me know if my account is linked or not if the link is ticked or not. Please tell.

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,725

    Hello there! @Brarz 👋

    I see that option does not had on your view profile that's means you have connected/ticked link your King and Community accounts completed already. You should keep your eyes out until you will receive your notification when you become Pro Player on King Community. 👍😊

    You make sure tick on Pop Up Notification of Notify me when my rank changes (if you haven't ticked it yet) :

    And as Lola Pop the Community Manager suggested another information :

    It's an automatic step, the system picks up the players who fit into the category, there's nothing they can check for you.

    Please remember: Pro Players play more, they are on higher levels and/or they have been around for the longest time! 🤗

    Good luck and have a nice day! 🤞😊

  • Brarz
    Brarz Posts: 245

    Hello @Diamond_Lim

    Thank you very much, you explained my account information to me in a simple way and I understood and found it nice. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, I wish you all the best. 💐😊👍🏻

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,725

    You are welcome and it's my pleasure! @Brarz 😄

  • suzijor
    suzijor Posts: 2

    Thank you. How do I set up my account?

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,725

    Congratulations! @DomJuam @mintmin2 @TrulyBlessed1225 and Another New Pro Players 🎉😄

    You are becoming Pro Players now! Royalty! 👑😄

    And don't forget to comment it here that you can claim this badge on your view profile who haven't commented it here yet because you become Pro Player on King Community right now :

    @suzijor - Yes! You have connected/ticked link your King and Community accounts already! Also congratulations! You become Pro Player on King Community now! @Lola_Pop will gives you Pro Player Badge on your view profile on next week! It's royalty! 👑😄

    Also check 👑 Join our Kingdom and get this royal badge here! 😉

    Anyway, Which King's game have you playing? 😊

    You can also check more King Community Topics such as Learn more guides around King Community and etc on my below signature (click on spoiler warming button) here. 👇

    Hello there! Another Players! 👋

    Don't be sad! I am sure you may becoming Pro Player! Stay tuned again! 😉

    Good luck! Everyone! 👍😄

  • maf34100
    maf34100 Posts: 57,944

    Hi @Diamond_Lim I have 5290 helpful reactions but I didn't get the 5000 badge. Can you help?

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?