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Women's Month 22: Which female King character would you be?



  • Lemurtek
    Lemurtek Posts: 2,079

    Hi @Lola_Pop! And thanks @Diamond Lim for the tag. I play a lot of King games, but only one Character has stolen my heart! 😁This is Stella the amazing Bubble Witch, along with her friends Jenny and Kimmy.

  • CassD
    CassD Posts: 18,516

    I shout love to be Stella and create some magic. My Mum was like Stella. Although we never had much money, she could always do something to bring happiness into our lives.

  • namal_butt_01
    namal_butt_01 Posts: 1,946

    I would be Stella 🦋🪄🔮✨

  • betchiegrl29
    betchiegrl29 Posts: 9,635

    I choose Stella. She is smart, witty and i think fashionable witch 🧙‍♀️

  • DarDarW
    DarDarW Posts: 1,272

    Stella ~ BWS it is for sooooo many reasons including being sassy and magical ♥️ Happy Women's Month 🥰

  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,717

    Hello @Lola_Pop

    If I could be any female King character, I would like to be Tiffi! Even though I'm a tough and stubborn lady, deep down I'm still a care free, fun, adventurous and cheeky girl. I miss those days when I have less worries and more fun life! 🤭🤭😁❤️💗

  • Amoonmoon
    Amoonmoon Posts: 37,240

    I love all the characters and the candy.

    Every person or candy has a strength and weakness.

    So everything has something.

    Happy new year for my mother and all the mothers. ❤️❤️❤️

  • Nat09
    Nat09 Posts: 12,561

    You know I have to go with my girl Rachel 😂 I connected with her right away. Her looks, her attitude, her confidence and she’s French 😁 Oui, Oui! 😂 I adore her personality.

    She’ll even snob you if you lose 🤣🤣

  • EnergizerBunny
    EnergizerBunny Posts: 4,323

    I would have to pick the Jelly Queen. No nonsense and and definitely has an attitude.

    I just strayed away from the game question.

  • Hands down I would be Gran 😊

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