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🌍️ Adiós, Au Revoir, Auf Wiedersehen, International Corner!

CommunityTeam Posts: 2,017 System

Dear King Community,

After two estupendos, großartige and magnifiques years, the International Corner is about to close its doors. 

We'd like to thank our great Ambassadors for all the passion and love they have put into this area of the Community meant to give a space to Spanish, French and German speaking players where they could use their mother tongue.

For now on, if you’re a Spanish, French and German speaker, please join any conversation you like in the Community by using a translation tool

The date we’ve chosen for the closure is the 17th of March. On that date, we’ll archive the area, so you have one week to write your thank you notes to the Ambassadors:

🌞 French Corner

🌞 Spanish Corner

🌞 German Corner

Hurry up, they will be the last International badges to collect. 😉



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