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  • greddycandy
    greddycandy Posts: 12,429

    Cool facts about about cucumbers @wykoon I love munching them, eat them almost everyday!

    Thanx for the tag @Diamond_Lim

  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,717

    Interesting. I have to start munching it every day soon too cos of the benefits to our system.

  • greddycandy
    greddycandy Posts: 12,429

    Especially when eating a rich meal eating cucumbers are very refreshing and you have to feel too guilty!

  • Thanks for the tag. I have minimal time to read books. I always have to be doing something but there are a few books I read on trips in a car or plane. I'm currently reading a Jack Reacher book. I read the Bible regularly, I read my news on Facebook, online news, and notes, texts to family. That consumes a lot of time. And, I must not miss mentioning all the emails from the King Community, lol. So with that said everyone on this site can't say they don't read. Lol I do however listen to audiobooks daily. I have wireless earphones to even listen while I'm shopping, cooking, and working in the yard. So many new stories every day. Enjoy your reading

  • Kiki_g
    Kiki_g Posts: 3,913
    edited September 2022

    @wykoon Wow, thank you for sharing these interesting facts. ♥️

  • Okay so today is National Punctuation Day so I'm going to do some interesting, hopefully fun, facts about Punctuation.

    1. Jeff Rubin founded National Punctuation Day in 2004 as a way to promote the use of correct punctuation.

    2 Punctuation is important because it helps define the end of a sentence a pause and emotion Without it chaos ensues and the entire world falls apart and we wouldn't want that would we

    3.) Sometimes. Some people, overuse punctuation. There are lots of ways to overuse punctuation!!!! It’s sometimes, hard to read, sentences that use too much punctuation. More importantly:; using punctuation incorrectly is confusing?&

    4. A comma, period or apostrophe can be the difference between:

    "Let's eat, Grandma." Or "Let's eat Grandma."

    "Eat your dinner." Or "Eat. You're dinner."

    "Twenty, five dollar bills. Or "Twenty five dollar bills."

    "A woman without her man is nothing." Or "A woman; without her, man is nothing."

    That's about it. I hope you enjoyed these interesting and fun facts about National Punctuation Day!

  • Kerrie
    Kerrie Posts: 3,279

    I never knew, so many good things from a cucumber!🤯

    My son and I love cucumber water in the summer, it's so refreshing. I live in Michigan and never heard of cucumber water. Was in Texas in July walking around outside, very hot. Our hotel had iced cucumber water out for guests. My first thought was yuck but I was so thirsty I didn't care. It was wonderful! I still drink it today, 12 years later.

  • Thanks @Diamond_Lim for tagg me

    Thanks @wykoon sharing this interesting fun facts

  • MiladyR
    MiladyR Posts: 10,740

    Interesting Thread @wykoon 🙂. Thanks for the tag@Diamond_Lim

    Here are some icebreakers to play with family, friends, or employees.

    Icebreaker games that are fun for the office or friends

    Online Quizes -

    You can use workplace tools like QuizBreaker to promote team bonding. It's a weekly online quiz game that helps employees get to know one another by asking fun icebreaker questions and trying to guess how their coworkers responded. This encourages authentic team bonding and can make for great conversation starters over

    Salt and Pepper -

    Come up with pairs of things like salt and pepper, sun and moon, etc. Separate the pairs and write only one of them per piece of paper, then tape one on the back of each person. Everyone must walk around asking yes or no questions to find out what word they have. The next step is to find their pair, then sit down together to learn three facts about each other.

    Two Truths and a Lie -

    A simple and classic game. Each employee shares three statements about themselves - two true, and one false. Then, everyone tries to guess which is the lie. The whole point is to learn facts about your peers while inserting an element of mystery.

    Blind Drawing -

    The game requires two people to sit facing away from each other, where one team member is given a picture of an object or word. Without specifying directly what it is, the other person must describe the image without using words that clearly give away the image.

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