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How does your garden grow?

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,544

Amelia, Amelia, quite contrary,

How does your garden grow?

Wait, something is wrong here……………..

It’s supposed to be ……………. 

Mary, Mary quite contrary,

How does your garden grow?

With silver bells and cockleshells

And pretty maids all in a row. 

Yes that’s the poem but have you ever read the meaning behind it?

Let’s get back on topic!

Amelia, Amelia, quite contrary,

How does your garden grow?

With magic and love,

And a whole lot of rain above.

That’s how her garden grows!

Got to bring humor into this community sometimes!

I love the summer and growing veggies in my garden. Unfortunately, it's not as large as I'd like it to be but it's still fantastic breaking off a veggie and eating it right away. Oh that crunch!

So here is a picture of my garden.

From left to right I have 6 broccoli plants, 2 Japanese eggplants, 3 bell pepper plants and 4 beefsteak tomato plants. I fertilized them just once when I planted them about 4 weeks ago and they are growing fast with quite a few flowers already.

So farmers, do any of you have gardens? What do you like to grow? Please share your pictures here. 



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