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Can't use PrivateMessage after July fifth?



  • Nat09
    Nat09 Posts: 12,561
    edited June 2022

    I appreciate you trying to uplift everyone but this is a big blow to us all, it’s a huge part of our social life here in the community that is forcefully coming to an end without us even having a say in it. You don’t fully understand exactly how it feels like because you aren’t part of the group of people who will loose the ability to communicate with others personally. We get to share our private lives with each other which is a big part of what this community is all about. It’s not just the fun contests ( I know you take your time to plan something special, I used to do it myself 😉) or the games, or other fun threads, we can’t share personal stuff there or go off topic, our messages will be edited and we will be told to keep on topic.🤨 If I want to say something that is happening in my life with a friend, I don’t want the whole community to know about it and certainly not the whole community to offer their opinions. That is why we are so upset/angry about, it’s the close relationship in our community that our being destroyed by removing our right to private messages. No offence my dear, I know you mean well but you’re not loosing your precious ability to interact with special friends around the world, we are. 😭🐰

  • dananelle
    dananelle Posts: 1,060

    Well said @Nat09

    also @rebelchild i agree with you but it won’t let me reply

    there are many comments here I agree with. I hate to say it but, in my opinion, it feels like if PMs are being taken away then that means MORE moderating and editing will happen cause people can’t talk freely. So your job moderators is going to get huge!

    I don’t want to participate in a so called community that has SO many limitations and we can’t have a bit of fun. For this exact reason PMs are vital.

    it keeps being said that we have nothing to worry about. But we do. We have one option now - to be monitored.

    @NamTruong2001 what is discord?

  • sharkeymw
    sharkeymw Posts: 367

    Discord is an app that was originally created for mmo/video gamers. Now a lot are using it to keep touch with friends. It has voice/video capability and also PMs and group chat servers that are text-based.

  • NamTruong2001
    NamTruong2001 Posts: 4,415

    @sharkeymw oh thank you. This is the good short explanation.

  • EOTheGr8
    EOTheGr8 Posts: 3,679

    Yes I use discord a lot!

    Y’all can add me EOTheGr8#5417

  • sharkeymw
    sharkeymw Posts: 367

    For those that are asking -- once you sign up for an account at, you can either download an app to phone (at least I know my android phone supports it, I assume iphones do too), to your PC or run it in a browser window. The messages are maintained server-side so you can continue a conversation from your phone to your PC or a browser and not lose continuity. It's easier with an app, but the browser implementation is fully functional without downloading anything else.

  • Lady_Sarina
    Lady_Sarina Posts: 5,618
    edited June 2022

    Hi Everyone,

    It's only been 2 days since we were all given a heads up about server limitations & the need to tidy up. To screenshot anything special to us & digest everything.

    It's been a few years now since moving from King Care to where we are today & there are way more participants now. As far as I know there is also way more content, contests & uploaded graphics than ever before.

    Yes, personally, I think it is great, that you've had some Mods be part of this conversation, as the different aspects have been raised.

    A little clarification was provided initially regarding the short term functionality & still being able to get you assistance with avatars, signatures & support enquiries. Along with progress updates as we get them.

    Reassuring, that we hear you on the Team Games & we'll discuss how we might still facilitate those & still bring you things to participate in, in the mean time.

    Also providing assistance for those within the Community, who are interested in other activities, not requiring lots of screenshotting & Art groups.

    Patience will be needed, naturally, as with any logistics. Some suggestions here, could be looked at closer, to see if they are workable after the maintenance is completed, so thank you for those. It's a learning process for us also & educating ourselves as we go.

    Keeping a good positive attitude, will put me in a better position to think clearly, going forward. No point me turning into a bad egg & ranting. Being kind & friendly during more difficult times is good Netiquette & makes it a lot easier to be part of a solution & collaborate. It's not a waste of breathe for me. Time, energy & resources can easily be diverted when in the heat of emotion. That could end up delaying or missing opportunities, to roll the sleeves up & get to the logistics, that get the ball rolling.

    Some I had PM's with have left already due to bullying & poor treatment by some & yes they felt more comfortable talking to me about that privately. Acknowledging their hurt or embarrassment, whilst still mediating with those few causing that, can be a huge job & remaining neutral, to get a better end result, isn't always easy. Yes some need repeated opportunities to correct misconceptions or improve communication skills & yes those faces behind the screens find it hard to repeatedly wait patiently for some to understand that. Those hurting may also find it hard to patiently endure whilst not retaliating.

    I do miss them though & yes that is different to collaborating with work colleagues, on different community issues & interests. Again different when transferring all that to CM's, in different time zones & departments. Logistics are a part of everyday life & no-one really enjoys waiting. We are mature enough to understand & accept it though.

    So yes it is everyone's Community - The Company, The Studio, the Members, CM's & Mod's. We are all wanting the best possible outcome & all care. That's why a Community Spirit is one of the best assets any community can have. Online or in the real world.🌻🤗🌈

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