⭐️ The Community has a brand new look
My email notification boxes have disappeared too. This is what I see:
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I don't get a notification. This is the ad. I can't select anything.
Everything checked
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Hi @Lola_Pop I’m not getting emails either
I only have the option of pop ups.
I have an iphone
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Thanks so much, everyone! It's hard to understand the issue when you don't experience it and you cannot see what you do 😅 Thanks for the patience, we'll add the screenshots to the report 🙏
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I'll check back here from time to time over the next few weeks to see what happens
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Hi spoekie. I do too. I don't like the new layout. I have to keep clicking on my avatar to see the tag 's .very annoying. 😡
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The community keeps breaking for me
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So far I love new look and no problems as of yet thanks for the new look
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If I click on the king and leave this page those buttons work but not on the page in the picture.
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I disagree Lady_Choo. I have no idea what the font looks like on a PC, but in my android mobile the font is too small to read. The font has made the notifications too difficult to read. Today I had four notifications but I couldn't make out that is what it said.