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Member of the Month-January 2023: teeweiping

Lola_Pop Posts: 12,046

For the month of January 2023, our Community Managers and Moderators have decided the Member of the Month is...


✨👏👏👏 Congratulations!! 🏆🥇👏👏👏

In less than a year, you, @teeweiping, have become a beloved member of our Community thanks to your cheerful and passionate attitude and your helpfulness.

You deserve the Member of the Month badge, a permanent entry into the Community Hall of Fame, and to be awarded 200 Gold Bars for your favorite game.

🎤 And now let's get down to business. We want to hear from our brand-new Member of the Month!

💫 Which of King's games are you currently playing and what do you like about them? Which one is your fav?

There are a lot of King's games I currently playing: CCS, CCFS, CCJS, BW3, BW2, FHS and CCSS. Most of them I playing to join the contest in this community. My favorite is CCS and CCFS. I like CCS for it always give me a surprise when I going to lose a level by matching special candy. This game has taught me that there is a lot we don't know but there will be a turning point when we gonna lose. It gives me hope about life and I don't easily lose my hope. 

I also like CCFS for its scrapbook. I really like to open the reward box to collect sticker for in-game character costumes and booster. I enjoy doing daily quest and participate in the Dachs Delivery service event to obtain rewards. I like this game also because it gives us boosters when we meet the requirement.

💫What's your best memory with King games? And on the Community?

My best memory with King games will be the Candy Cup from CCS which I win all the rounds but lose at final round. I used up a lot of boosters and Gold Bars from there. I get to know lelensp and amoonmoon, my dear friends from this event. The best memory on the Community for sure is the Crushilicious team competition which is hold by our past CM Minatozaki. We get to know all people in Community and able to make friends. I've learned a lot and I'm constantly breaking through. It is the most fun contest I have seen here.

💫 Do you have any expectations from the Community?

There are still have many errors when we login to the community using different devices recently. I really hope that we won't have technical issues when login here for example: tagging people, login issues and the others. I hope more players get to know this Community and it get to be more popular and well-known among us.

💫 What do you like the most about our Community?

The Community is a fun place that we can participate in various contests and get to know the news of the games. The contest is fun and enjoyable. We get to know a lot of friends from the Community. The people in Community are kind and helpful.

💫 If you could change anything about King (games, community, etc), what would it be?

I wish to enable PMs function in the Community and make the CCFS to give out unlimited lives as in-game rewards.

💫 How did you find about the Community?

I’m not much remember that. I think I find it when I playing my first King’s game: CCS. I needed help to pass a hard level.

💫Anything else you'd like to share?

I'm here to encourage everyone to give to this Community, because you will get unexpected rewards for it. Remember, it is more blessed to give than to receive.

Thanks a lot for these kind words and for being with us in the forum! Now please get ready for the wave of good vibes and love coming your way!



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