(FINISHED) 🐱 Win Badge and Gold Bars here! What's your favourite cat and Why? 🐱
Star Cats (Bubble Witch 3 Saga)
Congratulations @Maja_Nikolic @Shagunpro @Danfari @CCRanger @Vladislav777💜😻
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Liquorice (Candy Crush Saga)
Sweet! Thank you for your participating, voting then answering your favourite cat (s) and also congratulating all of the winners on this contest now! @BettinaRick @MiladyR @Racoon7 🤗
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Liquorice (Candy Crush Saga)
Hello again! @CCRanger 👋
20 gold bars received on your game now! Enjoy your happy having gold bars on Candy Crush Saga now and congratulations again! 😄
Have a nice and safety day! ❤️😊
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