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It is afternoon tea 🍮 and cakes 🍰 time. What will @Elsa and I talk about now 🤔 like we ever get lost for words hehe 😂 Its countries
We were wandering what do people think about their country whether good 😍 or bad 😌
We all are aware of covid 😷 but putting that aside post your countries flag and share your thoughts 💬 with us.
I am a bit devasted since two strong typhoons damaged a lot of properties and claimed scores of lives this month in my country. Playing the Candy Crush Saga at times helped me to move on with the catastrophe and think of ways to reach out to those who were affected by the recent calamities. Prayers do wonder in these times and the social media play a big role in connecting people and raise funds for the victims. Happy week ahead. 😁
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Oh! My country is still little bad due to many cases got coronavirus. We will staying at home better safe and hope getting well later.
I will tagging active players to discuss this discussion if you are interested :
(Tagging name's list - Part 1)
@AbhinavSargar, @lilac68, @TaniaSloan, @yukibear, @donnakessler, @debrichmond, @Yosca, @KENTFIELDER, @lcalloway82, @Jasmina, @ArmyArms, @GranBarb, @sam_123, @ZoricaPanda, @JulesAg, @TrishaRobbeCandy, @firebombmarkus, @frenioz00, @Spinnifix, @Mmmkingfan, @MataiceAlison, @AShadow, @Sofia1992, @Julie_Andrews, @Mahiveche, @Elsa, @imabearnut, @destiny3, @ivy2020, @FaRayha, @TheRevenger, @the_revenger, @siti_payung, @Sukanta_Biswas, @BeckyBubblegum, @Deryck, @christine88, @encantes, @caambuj, @DeepshikhaSharan, @Sharon_Loose, @Yosca, @piaandersson, @Acv, @Mangai, @Simon888, @Swimming, @Fakhri, @Scooterpie, @wozziewoo, @Sammyjo, @sakura, @SagaR, @aijaziqbal, @Trish24, @gemmafontana09, @lilac1015, @hechicerilla, @wykoon, @teresawallace44, @Pcj, @Gamelover2, @Pitty_Kitty, @KYLNE, @MightyWolf, @terrazas1326, @Eagle1010, @littlemissmim08, @tratelqalam, @arjankrijger2005, @Soda_bottelet, @Elenna, @Tzvi_Marcu, @paris2009, @Flash18, @ElenaVorona, @MollyMolls, @007jayc, @DoubleB423
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(Tagging name's list - Part 2)
@RobinCorte , @samm_kml, @foxyfox, @Betts, @Mattia_, @Glenn1972, @stramonium, @caambuj, @Lucas_Yan_Maia, @SabrinaM, @KingChewy, @johamilton, @kiara_wael, @Werner_Cichy, @Nck, @Nat09, @SeraphicStar, @bearwithme, @kaiser1618, @Rancid, @paul5473, @abe_coffee, @Crimson_Dawn, @LizzyLemondrop, @wafercookieflippers, @Chicken_Slayer, @MiaChristine, @candycrushinit, @flew66, @BQN537, @Special_K369, @gr33n3y3z, @PummyRaj, @STOKEDER, @slidey, @ShannaSkywolf, @SugarDonuts, @Mattia_, @kingcrushinit, @Mistyfan, @Popower, @Pocahontas1, @pompamandy83, @Albert_Heinrich, @richcastle, @Byrd59, @QueenReineer, @LatishaWillyard, @mimi1954, @Spieler_8675309, @MorphButterfly, @sarma_palash123, @Marzia333, @tininha1975, @Gourav01, @Aitch, @Peter_Tornaros, @Breee, @Ashraf, @mimi1954, @Coconathecat, @Mary_Kay, @RumellKhan123, @Bumper2019, @LoveDachs, @JethrinaBodina, @KimElston, @akthamabuali, @LoLo513, @jess_ica_123, @Harrypotter, @JabinDavis, @JDNORAfan, @Anika499, @MountainMom, @starsweet, @RegalRenz, @Leanna_Allen, @Olivia_Lim, @Carmel1919, @Princess_lovely, @sameeksha, @Bunny_69, @Adura, @pearl_chetna, @Sweetice, @kavidina, @jamilsidiq, @SBH, @Timmy89, @MaryLuyo2020, @yoph_1234, @Yorben_Goeree, @rajdeeptb, @Leslie_B, @Nix66, @NamTruong2001, @lhalha, @nico_queen, @mercerik, @Anahita_2005, @Pcj, @idjowey, @Tina_Williams-2, @ipete, @Origins7_Dale, @Loveth_NP, @mhemz, @BlueberryCupcake, @Chase_, @MollyS, @copas, @cobismolly, @lemcbl, @Melbennett, @ffs, @Iffo, @pgagne, @me6412, @CandyCrushIsCool, @Shilviya18, @Calis, @Freddy_Falkner, @Antoniogames2030, @casiesteph, @Ella1, @Rubina24, @DieOmimi, @Cagnes, @cjay63, @lilikoikisses, @doctroublemaker, @NikolaosProdromidis, @actipton80, @Carly_S, @evaramotar, @AstonMartin, @Twi, @Zara902, @Alex18, @一氧化二氫, @NelaMezdrea, @Haleakala, @Cristina_20, @MAW1972, @Greymane, @WonderlandCentury789, @tscheip, @MysticalMisty2, @larasofiasofia, @Colin_Kebbell, @Kui_Njenga, @PD987, @yonahselcy, @MollyS, @crabapple, @Marriam1, @Filly_McBean, @Liana_Centanaro and @satnam 👋
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I will also tagging new players to discuss this discussion if you are interested :
@kingtrixi @CRAZYPRAIZE @007jayc @deboant @maryford391 @galaxyangel @shakej @mickegee @JackJackieJacks @BjornFB @Markisha @Putynka @nikklou0410 @shakej @aem1202 @quita8 @Enass @jannyschilder @Rinno2013 @Hjfre @Elnice @Alicia87 @nicky111 @LisbonSpain @sxxyangel @jhas @Elnice @CarlaLora @hzenrick @szimler @Biancy72 @Abomohmmad @hayley001 @Dorottya13 @5311lele @BlackDiamond69 @Cristy63 @KerryMac @yoonah320i @eiiie @clapog @jess94 @willow04 @mayeryfelipe @JuLaCrafting @nay77 @Caleb_Rodrigo @Velarosa @Charletta @adlam @Sofia2014 @pili_1976 @elydaisy @amandar1987 @angelbabyyy43 @coreygeneral107 @got2getit @BlazinRein @TITAR @cozykitten @alinecm18 @Sosy_osy @Jared_Buttry @jamiep @Juliuszkuliusz1 @John_Larue @ElisRegina @SummerChild @Pancake40 @catthomas @Amybound1 @Jenbertsch @vanj @Blondie81
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(Tagging name's list - Part 2)
@TempleKassing @larasofiasofia @Vimutisuk @mletuli @gps2 @Margo_Holloway @Blky2k @milkysara @megashark @Adura @StuckInATree @Xaylem @TreeThom @Debra_Akins @Seija_Gregor @paynee @Laura_López @Tony_Mc @ANNEKE-4 @Bershie1 @Doodiebunk @cmt @ReneAlen @butterfly79 @nimitz40 @Jordibird @Norrablomman @SickBoy13 @CorkCork @gjkoras @rasjr92 @SirWellington @FreddieB7 @charal @anko_hh @Moon65 @Doodiebunk @VioletWitch @meme57 @Lipsey12 @mneldo @sixxy001 @sweets0426 @conny_c @jwellslea @dene @shira17 @ounti @kavidaya @leheakins @Pysanka @davahotmail @jacksen @rhamesses @janet29 @astong @daveregister @Cadams @Adeboye @Phoenix79 @jacksen @crazylagringa14 @JordensNaNa @sassySarah @MJazzyL @mosi13 @sharpshooter8888 @Methadras @Ketzergon @Ginamay @zhengarthur2418 @tigsmum @cabbiecomm @BrezBre85 @Gi2 @traveler2007 @Deniseld @jueng @mad_aisy @pattyj @lynneollerton @sjkbeckham @SuzyDoozy @DrGma_Stanley @SueBee717 @Sandymac @zhengarthur2418 @ivypooh
@donna215 @jayjay229 @lam1000 @Joseph45 @frogie @Bunnieofthemoon @Justin_Burundi @Lesley-6 @Byrd59 @gokalsudha @LDOgburn @marian1963 @shisino @momosia @Eva2810 @Suzuka @MilunoSilver @JRN @chancleta @DaniMiller77 @corndragon @eppslisa617 @Sylvia382 @drvexaminer @LynnW2 @junelady @JamieW @iluvgames123 @meanesspam @jimnena90 @eri19 @gingin74 @jejo @saedhanfy55555 @Piccollo @nadsali @Bunnieofthemoon @Jivetar @rkd4usc @sharpshooter8888 @DebbieC89 @shavon @Keztinsley101 @yulisey @LisaMarie @rararachael85 @gar16002 @itzyman @KEITH_3 @Rocko_1 @Jasminrose @MicheleHogg @PD987 @Stiffy @SammieSweetheart1994 @Diane_Calderbank @frerub @Luna68 @mindylarson19 @Die_Ober_Hexe @rukz @Connerml @Sh @boojum99 @Thilerges @SavageMaMaz124 @pimonte @sakura @sunniskyes @casey7 @ajauld @LINDARAZOR1 @shado700cc @Adamsd1783 @bpretty55 @cindyballard @treborslady @Ladyt60 @whitneyv @Gullranka @Nilceia @AdamLeOldSport @shanda0413 @Puppe @LeathaPhelps @isaali58 @Solomon6 @raelynn74602
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Thanks for tagging me..!! @Diamond Lim 💝💖
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@Diamond Lim Thank for your tag.
@KimElston What do you want to know about our country?🇹🇼
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(Tagging name's list - Part 2)
@TempleKassing @larasofiasofia @Vimutisuk @mletuli @gps2 @Margo_Holloway @Blky2k @milkysara @megashark @Adura @StuckInATree @Xaylem @TreeThom @Debra_Akins @Seija_Gregor @paynee @Laura_López @Tony_Mc @ANNEKE-4 @Bershie1 @Doodiebunk @cmt @ReneAlen @butterfly79 @nimitz40 @Jordibird @Norrablomman @SickBoy13 @CorkCork @gjkoras @rasjr92 @SirWellington @FreddieB7 @charal @anko_hh @Moon65 @Doodiebunk @VioletWitch @meme57 @Lipsey12 @mneldo @sixxy001 @sweets0426 @conny_c @jwellslea @dene @shira17 @ounti @kavidaya @leheakins @Pysanka @davahotmail @jacksen @rhamesses @janet29 @astong @daveregister @Cadams @Adeboye @Phoenix79 @jacksen @crazylagringa14 @JordensNaNa @sassySarah @MJazzyL @mosi13 @sharpshooter8888 @Methadras @Ketzergon @Ginamay @zhengarthur2418 @tigsmum @cabbiecomm @BrezBre85 @Gi2 @traveler2007 @Deniseld @jueng @mad_aisy @pattyj @lynneollerton @sjkbeckham @SuzyDoozy @DrGma_Stanley @SueBee717 @Sandymac @zhengarthur2418 @ivypooh
@donna215 @jayjay229 @lam1000 @Joseph45 @frogie @Bunnieofthemoon @Justin_Burundi @Lesley-6 @Byrd59 @gokalsudha @LDOgburn @marian1963 @shisino @momosia @Eva2810 @Suzuka @MilunoSilver @JRN @chancleta @DaniMiller77 @corndragon @eppslisa617 @Sylvia382 @drvexaminer @LynnW2 @junelady @JamieW @iluvgames123 @meanesspam @jimnena90 @eri19 @gingin74 @jejo @saedhanfy55555 @Piccollo @nadsali @Bunnieofthemoon @Jivetar @rkd4usc @sharpshooter8888 @DebbieC89 @shavon @Keztinsley101 @yulisey @LisaMarie @rararachael85 @gar16002 @itzyman @KEITH_3 @Rocko_1 @Jasminrose @MicheleHogg @PD987 @Stiffy @SammieSweetheart1994 @Diane_Calderbank @frerub @Luna68 @mindylarson19 @Die_Ober_Hexe @rukz @Connerml @Sh @boojum99 @Thilerges @SavageMaMaz124 @pimonte @sakura @sunniskyes @casey7 @ajauld @LINDARAZOR1 @shado700cc @Adamsd1783 @bpretty55 @cindyballard @treborslady @Ladyt60 @whitneyv @Gullranka @Nilceia @AdamLeOldSport @shanda0413 @Puppe @LeathaPhelps @isaali58 @Solomon6 @raelynn74602
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Thanks for tagged me @Diamond Lim
India is the best example of the phrase ‘unity in diversity’. People of all religions can be found living here. Many different languages are spoken here. It is said that after every 100 kilometres or so, one can observe a change in food, clothes, language and houses.
Every region has its own festivals and its own customs. The snow-clad Himalayan mountain range in the north, to the Thar Desert in Rajasthan, are examples of varied weather conditions. We have a huge coastline and hundreds of big and small rivers. India is a land of great natural beauty.
We are the largest producers of milk in the world. We are among the largest producers of wheat and sugar. Indians are renowned all over the world for their technical and engineering skills. Indians are also highly sought-after in the field of information technology.
Our culture dates back to thousands of years. We have given the world yoga and ayurveda. We have made many other proud contributions in the field of science, maths, philosophy and music. Today, in all spheres, we are rated as an important nation.
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Thanks for tag @Diamond Lim
@KimElston @Elsa Enjoy they have their afternoon tea.
I come from Germany and we have a lockdown light here because of the many infection numbers. I work in an office and can do it from home.
Everyone else in my family can't work in the home office. However, they receive support from the state.
We hope that life will soon return to normal. And we want many of them to stay healthy.