Notification from games not played

I’m not sure if this is the right place to post this question. If it is not, please forgive me & point me in the right direction for general questions. Thanks!
Is there anyway that I can stop receiving notifications for games that I don’t play? I only play FHS & always are getting so many from the other games which I don’t play.
Thanks for your help!
Hello there! 👋
I think you posted your question on Player's Corner is right. I haven't received any notifications of any King's Games news and I have playing Diamond Diaries Saga only. I will tagging @PummyRaj, @Elsa and @Chicken_Slayer if they can help. 😊
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Hi @imabearnut If you select your avatar from the top of this page and scroll down you will see this
If you select bookmarks you will see everything that you are receiving emails or notifications from you can unmark them to stop this make sure you select SAVE
Next from selecting your avatar scroll down and select edit profiles you will see this
Select notification preferences from here you can unmark emails and pop ups again make sure you select SAVE
Once you complete these procedures you wont be disturbed 👍⭐
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Thank you @Diamond Lim & @PrettyBubbles for reaching out to me regarding my question.
I'm not sure how to mark my notifications so that I will still receive them for FHS.
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You can receive your tags by @encantes / @MountainMom on Farm Heroes Community. 😊
You make sure tick "receive your tag" on notification preferences as well. 😉
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Hi @imabearnut 🍏🍓🍎
You are already on my and @MountainMom Farm Heroes Saga tagging list. If you don't want to be on the list, just let us what is your preference.😉🙂🙂
I wish a good day 🌞🌞🤗🤗
Tks @Diamond Lim
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Dear @Diamond Lim, I believe @imabearnut would like to be removed from all of your tag lists. As mentioned by @encantes, she and I will keep @imabearnut informed of Farm Heroes Saga events and announcements.
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Yes! I remove his/her tag on all of King's Game Communities already but thank you for your letting me know. 😊
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I would like to stay on your list for FHS! Thanks!