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The standard of ideas (about voting)

Timhung Posts: 1,487
edited January 2021 in Discussions

All players know that they can apply the idea and let the player vote.

However, I cannot find a standard for enough vote.

What is the meaning for enough votes? (20 votes? 100 votes 1000 votes?). I tried to find these types of information. However, I could not find it.

Some ideas have posted some days (e.g. a year) But, these ideas don't get any reply from CMs. It may let the player think the idea is neglected.

I just want to know more about the standard for implementing the ideas. Any post about it?



  • Lady_Sarina
    Lady_Sarina Posts: 5,618

    G'Day @Spinnifix

    would you be able to help with this one please?

  • Lady_Sarina
    Lady_Sarina Posts: 5,618

    G'Day @Timhung

    you did the right thing in looking around thoroughly, everywhere you could think of cobber!

    It's a little tricky sometimes.

    I've asked a friend to help as they'll know more than me on this one. It's never a bad thing to ask if you don't know.

    Good onya for giving it a go. Practise makes perfect lol

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429


    Even I have this problem. Because every area of ideas is for itself and each CM decides for itself.

     I swallow a lot in Candy Crush. An idea is posted and gets votes. It's not a week since this idea is closed and I shake my head. Because I don't think it's right. I am always sorry for the players when their ideas are closed down. Either mark by the sztändige or in no time. I went to the CM with whom I work and the top was told to me. I have also discussed the ideas in soda again, some of them go over a year and you don't know if it will be implemented. I have not received an answer.

    I ask a lot of things and I don't get an answer. I am very upset about this.

    This can also be answered by Elsa. 

    I'm glad you're talking about it. Perhaps we will react to this.

    Thank you very much

    @Elsa @LadyRaffie @Lola_Pop @QueenMia @QueenB @Pounawea @Crazy Cat Lad

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,546

    This is the story about the ideas. Each game has their own studio. The community managers are all assigned to their games and they work with the studios as much as possible. Enough votes for a game like CC Friends Saga will have a much different meaning that for CC Saga. I have seen ideas implemented in Friends much quicker than any of the other game areas. We have no control over these. All that we can do is post the ideas and I keep the list going monthly. The CMs check periodically to see how many votes each idea gets and perhaps also if it's an idea that he/she feels might get implemented, again according to the studio. I cannot speak for them. I can only speak for what I do and what I see. Some studios are just not as open to implementing as others.

  • Timhung
    Timhung Posts: 1,487
    edited January 2021

    I ask questions because I saw a idea that was closed today with the reason “not enough votes”. However, I could see the idea also have over 20 votes in the idea.

    Oh right, most of the player in here also play CCS (>60%)... But I want to know the minimum number of “enough vote”.

    Yeah, CMs have a lot of jobs to do. I also happy that can have area for players to explain/discuss the ideas freely.

  • Lady_Sarina
    Lady_Sarina Posts: 5,618

    G'Day @Timhung

    I'm glad you feel comfortable and happy to explain what you are looking for :0)

    I think, maybe, that what @Elsa was thinking to put across, is that the minimum number of "enough votes" is different for each King Game.

    So what happens is that there are different Studio Teams that work within King and each one looks after a different game. The idea pages are set up for each game and not all in just one localised place.

    It can be a little confusing which game you are discussing as we see the title of the discussion in the thread and just add a post to it without realising. This may also happen with a poll or vote and therefore feels like it is overlapping and that you can get lost. Polls, votes and ideas can be put up by any one as long as you have reached the level to do so.

    The information gathered in these polls, votes and ideas (from the ones that have received the most interest or votes) are submitted to the CM's by the superstars and then handed to The Studio by the CM's, of whatever game they belong to. It is then The Studio who decides if they are appropriate to implement or not, not the superstars or CM's.

  • Timhung
    Timhung Posts: 1,487
    edited January 2021

    Yeah, I understand for it. All the things are decided by the game studio. CMs are not a level designer but they also work in different positions in I only want to talk about my confusion in idea sections.

    Thank you for all the answers. Have a nice day😀

  • Lady_Sarina
    Lady_Sarina Posts: 5,618


    You have a communitylisous day too! Thank you :0)

    Maybe if you just want to feel heard or have an easy chat about the ideas, you could go to the "To check mark..!!!" thread on the discussion page? We welcome thoughts and observations :0)

    It would be great chatting to you!

  • Lady_Sarina
    Lady_Sarina Posts: 5,618

    G'day @Timhung

    I am thinking about you and hope you are travelling well today and don't feel discouraged?

    Have you taken a vist to It may inspire you and I would be interested to hear your thoughts!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?