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🕵️‍♀️ All-time Ambassador ✴



  • fabke
    fabke Posts: 3,970
    yes, I am in favour of 😉

    Thanks for the tag @Diamond Lim

  • Lady_Sarina
    Lady_Sarina Posts: 5,618
    yes, I am in favour of 😉

    G'day @Nat09 @hechicerilla @mercerik

    To the best of my knowledge in the "outside" world ambassadors, represent on behalf of their people on all sorts of issues in a helpful manner. Here our ambassadors do this exceptionally well, not only in their own forums but in the English communities also. This takes many hours of work,effort and much translating. Well done and keep up the good work, it's seen and appreciated.

    I like the idea of a writing competition! The counting to infinity games are not my thing but your idea is intriguing. Maybe that's something we could collaborate on to develop further, fine tune and explore, to make it something that is interesting for all members and pitched in a way that the @Community_Team can work with.

    Wow 5000 comments and a legend!

    Game Experts are doing a great job and are the ones I would generally seek out if it were level help I needed and probably in the community of that specific game.

    Maybe I'm a little confused but Im guessing the "all-time ambassador" is related to everything public relations, languages and public demeanor not necessarily knowing every single thing that's game related.

    The guide book states that this is "our house" and to interact in a kind and friendly manner that up builds and strengthens the community in a way that reflects the values of king itself. Which is about games yes but also about all things community and people related.

  • mercerik
    mercerik Posts: 3,617

    Hello there, @channie8 !

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful and friendly thoughts! Well said! 🌼 🌸

  • rebelchild
    rebelchild Posts: 17,687
    yes, I am in favour of 😉

    There have been some really good ideas mentioned. I like the idea of a special colored shading for the ambassadors comments so it is easier to identify them

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429
    edited January 2021
    yes, I am in favour of 😉

    All-time ambassadors

    Today I would also like to comment on this.

    Unfortunately, I do not understand this discussion, as it has nothing to do with my contribution.

    My concern, was that we ambassadors could be given a symbol and for every year what we are in office that it is expanded. It was meant as a recognition.

    So the players would see it and more would come to us.

    I am stunned by what has now been made of it.

    Why are the posts not read correctly and then broken?

    Unfortunately, I had it many times, I am very disappointed about that.

    If you don't understand it, please ask us again. 

    That would be much better!!!

    If you have a problem with me, you can contact me, but please do not in my posts!!!😔

    German Version



    Heute möchte ich mich auch dazu äußern.

    Leider verstehe ich diese Diskussion nicht, da es mit meinem Beitrag nichts zutun hat.

    Mein Anliegen, war es, das man uns Botschafter ein Symbol geben könnte und für jedes Jahr was wir im Amt sind das es erweitert wird. Es war als eine Anerkennung gedacht.

    Somit würden es dann auch die Spieler sehen und mehr auf uns zukommen.

    Ich bin fassungslos was nun daraus gemacht wurde.

    Warum werden die Beiträge nicht richtig gelesen und dann kaputt gemacht?

    Leider hatte ich es schon oft gehabt, darüber bin ich sehr enttäuscht.

    Wenn man es nicht versteht, bitte dann fragt uns noch einmal.

    Das wäre viel besser!!!

    Wenn man ein Problem mit mir hat, kann man mich gerne kontaktieren, aber bitte nicht in meinen Beiträgen!!!

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429
    yes, I am in favour of 😉


    Hello my dear!

    Thank you for your kind comment. You understood what this is all about.

    Today I would like to respond to that.

    We have received the ambassador badge and are stored in our profiles.

    I had requested it a year ago and we got it later via detours.

    German Version

    Hallo mein Lieber!

    Danke für deinen freundlichen Kommentar. Du hast es verstanden um was es eigentlich hier geht.

    Heute möchte ich darauf gerne antworten.

    Das Botschafterabzeichen haben wir bekommen und ist in unseren Profilen hinterlegt.

    Ich hatte es vor einen Jahr angefordert und wir bekamen es später über Umwegen.

  • Sharon_Loose
    Sharon_Loose Posts: 1,900
    yes, I am in favour of 😉

    Dear Peggy @Spinnifix I read the Title of this thread ‘All-time Ambassadors ‘as meaning one Ambassador being the best of all ambassadors, which I think others probably have thought as well. I’m assuming by things that you have also written that you just want each ambassador to have a symbol showing how many years they have been ambassadors for. If I’m wrong please correct me but I think that your original post has been mistranslated.

  • CassD
    CassD Posts: 18,516
    yes, I am in favour of 😉

    @Spinnifix .

    In a community, I believe it is important that Ambassadors should be recognised - not just by its members, but for the work they do. Special badges to acknowledge their years of service to the community would be a good idea, as well as adding something to highlight the fact that they are Ambassadors. Thank you for all you do.

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429
    yes, I am in favour of 😉



    Thank you. I just wrote it differently and not very clearly. Because the players should come up with something for us. Because as I wrote, the SU have the stars. We have nothing. We would also like something. And it should be increased. For each additional year. Hope that it is now more understandable!🤗

  • CassD
    CassD Posts: 18,516
    yes, I am in favour of 😉

    Hi @Spinnifix ,

    Like @Sharon_Loose, I must admit that was how I initially understood "All-Time Ambassador" and it was only after reading other replies that I changed my view. Translation programmes are not always accurate, just like we humans!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?