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  • Lady_Sarina
    Lady_Sarina Posts: 5,618

    G'day @Spinnifix @Lola_Pop

    Yes I do see your point, as I've had a player/member inform me quiet tersely that they're not into being asked to "do" stuff and that was only regarding the books in get started lol they're like tool boxes with all the basics!!!!!!!

    It would be nice if the system was able to recognize an already existing idea and generate a link to it, so as not to duplicate, I'm not sure if there is a programme for that?

    Yes I spent a long while learning to translate and now understand what the "back and forth" means lol. I thought the same rule applied for everyone exactly the same in every corner regardless?

    ie: English in English or German in German etc.

    Isn't that what all the long signature posts do for reminding, not sure why there's so much confusion? Maybe coz the International Communities can be tricky to find? Could be a visibility issue lol

  • Lady_Sarina
    Lady_Sarina Posts: 5,618

    G'day @Lola_Pop

    I've only just seen your reply to the merging request.

    Thank you that would make things so much easier and greatly appreciated!

    Have a communitylisous day :0)

  • xoamyroseox
    xoamyroseox Posts: 7

    Level 2

    thank you

  • Another way to improve the community is based on quotes.

    Recently, some players have posted rude language or personal information (PI). And even sometimes the experts make a mistake by quoting the user's posts. Even if a community manager edits the post of the user's rude language or PI, the rudeness and PI is still in the expert's quote of the user. So the idea is: When a CM edits a post, any quote of this post will also be edited.

    Thank you for your consideration. @Crazy Cat Lad @Lola_Pop @QueenB.

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,824

    You got a point there and we will make sure the quotes also gets removed πŸ‘

  • sdmndfghkamcr
    sdmndfghkamcr Posts: 12,780
    edited February 2021

    Hi @Lola_Pop Here are some advises I came up with.Please read them and think twice.

    1.The badges of the amount of the posts are unecessarily.They bring nothing but more players spamming(post 2 replies one time)

    2.The rule of changing profile picture.Why can't we change it by ourselves rather than need to ask a CM to change it?

    3.(similar with 2.)The rule of changing user name.Why can't we change our name by ourselves?Maybe the rule can change into the limit of our frequent of change our name in a period.πŸ€”(For instant,Facebook limits us change our name only 1 time in 60 days.)

    I think the points 2 and 3 are important cos they not only can reduce the work that CMs have to do but players can feel free to change the things they want.

    Hope you can understand.

  • sdmndfghkamcr
    sdmndfghkamcr Posts: 12,780
    edited February 2021

    @Lola_Pop The more ideas here.

    1.The rules of answering other players' questions in support area.I think those rules are strange cos we are forced to answer those questions indirectly if we want to go to higher levels.It may also cause some players give bad quality of answer and even few of them build mutiple accounts to get more points by asking more questions or accepting their answers make by themselves.(Same thing happened on.the badges of receiveing reactions.)

    2.The badges of playing games.This is a most ridiculous one in the three points in this article.I think it is strange and unfair because you are forced to play more games if you want more points.For examples,those players who like to play CCS,CCSS and CCFS can get much more points & badges than me cos I only like to play FHS and FHSS.(FHS can bring me few points.As for FHSS....lim->0πŸ˜πŸ˜‘β˜Ή) BTW if you remember u just gave me the 30 characters badge....I can tell you now in fact I don't like to play that game.Playing that game was just like a torture for me.πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ¦πŸ¦πŸ¦πŸ¬πŸ¬πŸ¬πŸ‘ΏπŸ˜‘

    3.The member of the month.Can't feel free to do anything cos I feel it just like someone is watching my behaviors anytime just because want to choose a player who is the "most postive" and anything CMs & SUs want to see.

    Hope you can understand.

  • Aurorabeam
    Aurorabeam Posts: 86

    Level 3

    The community cannot be improved or be perfect for my account in the community. Let's say you ripped a piece of paper. Yes, it can be glued or taped, but you technically ripped "the paper's soul." The paper won't be 100% together again.

  • Lady_Sarina
    Lady_Sarina Posts: 5,618

    G'Day @Lola_Pop

    Just thinking... instead of there just being a "flag" reaction to something that's negative, inappropriate, offensive or "just not quiet right", maybe we could have another option that's not as harsh.

    Like maybe an "unhelpful" or "negative comment" or "not encouraging" ?

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429


    I read from virtual conferences a lot. Would it be possible to do something like this in our language areas? I don't have a camera installed and I don't know how to do it, but it would be interesting. It would help us all too. For example, then additionally in the separate ambassador room. Unfortunately I have to honestly say that I don't believe a word here anymore. Too much has happened or nothing at all. I'm so sorry. Unfortunately, it is so!!!😣

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