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❤️💕💖 Win Gold Bars with the 2021 Valentine Community Wide Contests (finished)



  • brent_doolin
    brent_doolin Posts: 181
    edited February 2021

    White Chocolate - Tiffi *

    Creamy Caramel - Kimmy

    Raspberry Marmalade - Jelly Queen

    French Nougat - Yeti

    Hazelnut Crunch - ChooChoo *

    Orange Truffle - Panda Bear

    Marzipan - Stella

    At the present time I play the asterisked games of Candy Crush Saga and Farm Heroes Saga

  • Nat09
    Nat09 Posts: 12,561

    Great contest @bearwithme @PummyRaj & @Glenn1972 my favourite candy on Valentine are the cinnamon hearts 😋🥵😅

    Here are my answers

    CCS = White chocolate

    CCSoda = Creamy Caramel

    CCJelly = Raspberry Marmalade

    CCF = French Nougat

    FHS = Hazelnut Crunch

    PRS = Orange Truffle

    BBW = Marzipan

  • tininha1975
    tininha1975 Posts: 1,576

    Meu doce preferido é a geleia de framboesa

    The 7 sweets are:

    White Chocolate

    Creamy caramel

    Raspberry jelly

    French Nougat

    Hazelnut Crunch

    Orange truffle


  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551
    edited February 2021

    Hi @bearwithme @Chicken_Slayer @QueenB @PummyRaj @Glenn1972 @Diamond Lim, @Yosca @Pitty_Kitty, @Crazy Cat Lad @Pounawea, @Spinnifix, @Albert_Heinrich, @Miss_Dani, @Sukanta_Biswas @kiara_wael, Again many thx for the contest, badge & tag,

    My answers to the *7 Game Questions are in "Spoiler" below.

    CCS - Tiffi / White Chocolate

    CCSS - Kimmy / Creamy Caramel

    CCJS - Jelly Queen / Raspberry Marmalade

    CCFS - Yeti / French Nougat

    FHS - Choo Choo / Hazelnut Crunch

    PRS - Panda Bear / Orange Truffle

    BW3S - Stella / Marzipan

    Another pretty badge by our *Superstars. Looking forward to it.

    • Chocolate Macarons Are My Favorite

    But since it is not really a candy, I'll go with the Orange Truffle, that Panda Bear likes. If it is candy bars, then *Snickers & *Almond Joys would be my favorite.

    As I have mentioned on each of the *7 individual games in the contest. I only play (CCS) & (CCSS) at this time. When time permits, *Pyramid Solitaire Saga. The key word is *Time. With Support Issues, Game Questions, Contests, one has his / her hands full here. The only 2 players I know of, who have played like 6 or 7 King Games are @DieOmimi & @Werner_Cichy. Think it is a *German thing. Because when you go to *Germany, it has on their border sign:

    • Welcome To Germany - *No Sleeping Allowed Here! (hehe)

    But, for the rest of us, at an older age, need our rest. Remarkable that they have played so many of them. Along with, all the help they give us here.

    Be sure to also see the *Contest On Soda at:

    *Current Leaders Listed on *Page 2, along with a post by me on *Page 3.

    Well Group, until the next time.

    Take Care - Origins7 Dale, 😀

    My Player / User ID: 9815076088 


  • jeanps
    jeanps Posts: 25,430

    My favorite is Creamy Caramel

    The answers are:

    CC saga  White Chocolate

    CC soda saga   Creamy Caramel

    CC Jelly Saga  Raspberry Marmalade

    CC Friends Saga French Nougat

    FarmHS Hazelnut Crunch

    Pet Rescue Saga Orange Truffle

    BubbleB3S  Marzipan

  • Farm heroes-- choo choo, hazelnut crunch

    Candy-- tiffi, white chocolate

    Soda-- Kimmy, creamy caramel

    Jelly-- jelly queen, raspberry marmalade

    Friends-- yeti, french nougat

    Pet-- panda bear, orange truffle

    Bubble Witch-- stella, marzipan

  • lhalha
    lhalha Posts: 1,529

    White Chocolate, Creamy Caramel, Raspberry Marmalade, French Nougat, Hazelnut Crunch, Orange Truffle and Marzipan

  • PLAYER09
    PLAYER09 Posts: 91

    Level 3

    White chocolate

    Creamy caramel

    Raspberry marmalade

    French nougat

    Hazelnut crunch

    Orange Truffle


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