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  • Lady_Sarina
    Lady_Sarina Posts: 5,618

    G'Day @Lola_Pop

    I tried to buy a web cam but we were in lockdown. A serious one this time, so no "entertainment" shops were open only essential services and big food stores. Turns out I didn't need one lol

    I only found out about it through a tag from a game I don't play. Maybe tours like this one could be visible in The Hub and as each tour may be different or use different zoom set up's, a description of requirements and instructions, like a "tour pamphlet" could be there also.

    I ended up using my phone but I was really happy with the sms link, as I had googled the time zones and was a bit confused if I'd get the time and day wrong but the sms link was brilliant in navigating me to it with the time and day already set. Good thing too, as I logged in 12 hrs early, that's how I found the time lol

    All good, I got this in PM yeah?

  • Hi @channie8,thanks for your head-up and idea.

    @Lola_Pop I think there are too many kinds of reaction here,it usually make me headache to choose which kind of it I want to gove other players.I think only 2 kinds of reactions is enough.(👍and👎)

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429
    edited February 2021

    @Lola_Pop @hechicerilla @Nat09


    I have now tinkered back and forth on my signature for the competition. It's really not easy. It always changes to German immediately, even though I insert it in English. I had to do it back and forth until it was finally inside the way I wanted it. It is very difficult for us ambassadors. Sometimes I don't know how to do it right. Only in German, only in English or both. In both cases, the side cuts through and is overwhelmed. How to solve it well and it would have to be changed so that it is easier for us. Even there is little space available. Could it please be worked on how we should make it fit for everyone ?!

    Would be nice, thank you


    Ich habe jetzt hin und her gebastelt an meiner Signatur, für den Wettbewerb. Es ist echt nicht einfach. Es stellt sich immer wieder sofort auf Deutsch um, obwohl ich es in englisch einfüge. Ich mußte es hin und her machen, bis es endlich drinnen war, so wie ich es wollte. Es ist für uns Botschafter sehr schwierig. Zu mal ich nicht weis wie ich es richtig machen soll. Nur in deutsch , nur in englisch oder beides. Bei beiden haut dann die Seite durch und ist überfordert. Wie soll man es gut lösen und es müßte geändert werden, so das es für uns einfacher ist. Selbst es ist wenig Platz vorrätig. Könnte daran bitte gearbeitet werden, wie wir es machen sollen, das es für alle paßt?! Wäre nett, danke

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    @Lola_Pop @hechicerilla @Nat09

    I'm just thinking about it. We in the International Space are not handing out badges. Much more should be distributed. Even if the English community and the games take precedence. But one should slowly put the international area on the same level as the English community. The languages ​​are now also part of it. No difference is made in the world either. Please here it has to be adjusted more. We can discuss it in the group chat in the ambassador area.

    Ich bin gerade am Überlegen. Wir vom Internationalen Raum verteilen zu wenig Abzeichen. Es müßten viel mehr verteilt werden. Auch wenn die englische Community und die Spiele vorgehen. Aber man sollte so langsam den internationalen Bereich mit der englischen Community auf eine Stufe stellen. Die Sprachen gehören nun genauso dazu. In der Welt wird auch kein Unterschied gemacht. Bitte hier muß es mehr angepasst werden. Wir können es im Gruppenchat im Botschafterbereich gerne besprechen. 

  • Lady_Sarina
    Lady_Sarina Posts: 5,618
    edited February 2021

    G'Day @Lola_Pop @Spinnifix

    Yesterday I explored the Farm Heroes Saga Community. I have to say, that what I have seen there, is inspirational, to say the least. When it comes to features and functions, attitude and "filing cabinets", this Community is run exceptionally well. So I would like to give credit where credit is due and hopefully be able to make some suggestions, that may be seen as helpful in providing some continuity to The other Communities, since we are one "Unit".

    The Entry Page: Great icons!! Videos in one place and labelled well! Ideas area is set nicely, as is the Support area.

    The Farm Lab is unique and run exceptionally well, not higgelty pigglety with too many "cooks". The Studio here, is obviously "in touch" with the needs and wants of their Community and having such a "direct portal", is not just "getting to know" their "housemates" but, I believe, allows the "whole tone" of this community to have a follow on effect, to the behaviour and "peaceful" atmosphere here. No wonder this game and Community stand out from the rest!

    Personal interest, active participation and standards of acceptable behaviour! What a job well done! We could take a leaf out of their book and improve not only the features and functions elsewhere but the tone, standard of conduct, efficiency and appreciation of creativity and innovation!

    The CM - @QueenB is active and her attitude of humility and respect is clearly seen and reflected AND respected by members. This Community was an absolute pleasure to visit and participate in because it "felt" like "King". The core values are displayed here. Innovation and creativity are encouraged and appreciated here. Feedback is "polished" and promoted here, no matter how brutal and yet, the respectful way that feedback is given is a testimony to the Studio Teams actual participation in The Lab. Visibility and they actually reply! Clearly my "adventure" here would have been so much different if I had first entered through this particular Community portal instead!!!! See what happens when a community is not left to it's own devices to run amok on each other and everything. There's not so much complaining here, definitely no anger and not a skerick of depressional tones!

    The Discussion Area: There is no silliness here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I noticed 3 SuperStars in particular who actually made me feel good about the programme and that there are some collaborative and supportive , genuine people in it, for the right reasons!! There tone is also helpful and kind and humble!

    There is only one counting game about cropsies and that is only in the "Fun Area". Isn't that logical!!

    Do you have any idea how exciting it was for me to visit an "office" that was in such good condition? It meant that I could actually just be a member, who had fun regarding everything to do with a game I play. I relaxed and enjoyed myself for once here. I didn't stumble around in the dark once!

    Great role models here. "When I grow up" lol I would like to reflect all the above, in helping other Communities here, to display these same King traits and tones, to aid in creating a "cool adventure" across the board, just like it was in that Community. Any tips?

  • Lady_Sarina
    Lady_Sarina Posts: 5,618

    G'Day @Lola_Pop @Xarly @Spinnifix @hechicerilla @Glenn1972 @lilikoikisses

    I have spent many hrs going through the "Community Feedback/Improvements" threads. The research I've found in (but not limited to) "Community - Give us your feedback!" - by @Xarly -14 pgs (original but went off-topic) and "Let's make King Community the perfect place for all of us" by Sofia -35 pgs (off - shoot due to off-topic clutter). They weren't merged by the system, so I needed to do it, so I didn't do so much "back and forth" to find everything all the time. Time is money lol 😂

    Both are very hectic, so here's some "filing", I've collated from both these threads and other things I've seen written here in The Hub. Any updates on progress or things that are definitely knocked off the list would be appreciated please :0) We know you've a lot going on but you did ask lol 😁🥰

    Instructions for topics: "thoughts and opinions on the forums themselves", "focus on the site" not the games, "features" - like "badges, ideas, the team etc, "all things Community".

    Navigation: "confusing" - even after 4mths,, "not user friendly", "cluttered", needs to be "streamlined", too many "parallel sections", "wandering" too much, "chaos", "a maze of navigation", "no clear mapping and direction", "repetition of signatures", too many "here's". Better categories and sub - categories. Reminder to Bookmark manual and topics of interest for later reference.

    Placement: confusing as to where to place suggestions and questions. Easier to find Superstar and Game Expert Corners and closing of Back Stage Area (remove it from site), "Welcome to the Community" more visible, "Come and say hi" visibility and clearer directions to place first initial comments here to level up. "Community Hub" Tabs) at the top of the page don't include all options and could include more.

    Response times: To questions and suggestions, meaning answers, would be appreciated if shorter.

    Manuals and Books: clearer and more specific. "how - to's" - reactions, polls, votes, discussions, avatars, changing user names, player id's, point system, badges, "overview" of management and roles. Need a Tech book for those "new to technology"

    System Apps: "Vanilla Forums" (background colours), "reddit" (date and time), "Discord" queries of usage and feature possibilities.

    Ideas: Icon and addition of this feature to The Hub itself for ease of use and "visibility", eliminating "closed" ones from the thread", improve the time it takes to "read" or check "before posting" as too much clutter, have categories and sub-categories, system automatically check for duplicate ideas.

    Tech and Support: Better areas for these, categories and sub- categories implemented, separate game issues from Hub issues, "low vision", "font sizing" and "magnifying options", clearer areas and navigation reminders for Facebook and PC and game issues.

    Reactions: "negative" option other than flagging ( maybe unhelpful or discouraging are not so formal), "earned in an honest way" ( counting games i.e.: not being allowed to react "helpful" to the above number) Earn it! No double accounts (system management)

    Points: "earned in an honest way" (no double accounts - system management), possibility of "feedback rewards" in the form of points, information on and the checking of points being added, problems in the International Corner with receiving points for answering questions and "accepted answers".

    Badges: "automatic system management" of awarding badges as they are achieved within the games themselves, problems in the International Corner receiving and distributing badges, make badges as valuable and interesting as gold bars, more badges that reflect being Community Spirited for "teamwork".

    Tagging: "frustrating", "annoying", "helpful", "opt out option", better Edit Options and a "Delete" option, "Profile privacy/ discretion " of use issues, define what is "entertainment and fun" for clearer tagging eligibility boundaries - what is eligible and who decides.

    International Corner: better placement for visibility and accessibility, language problems with translating and not having an inbuilt- translator, National Flag Icon under Profile Pic for ease of recognition for assistance, "composition of letter changes" when translating I.E: Arabic, "Portuguese" speakers on the rise so some help with that, contests and games translated and posted, more "short cuts" to language option and participation, greater ability to earn badges, points and become a Superstar to assist Ambassadors opportunities and being inclusive. PR.

    Studio: greater participation in forums, more "main page" accessibility similar to "Farm Lab", a place to receive replies to feedback or up-dates, more interviews and insights into game construction, design, graphics and formulation, a place to "house" Community Issues.

    Signatures: "condense", "too busy", "make moderators stand out", less "quotes and vital info", discreet insertion into threads (not lengthening pages unnecessarily) and not multiple people doing it in the same thread for the same thing, less "here's" as it adds to navigation issues, Signatures with links keeping on topic and not adding a renavigation ( that may even be out dated or unnecessary), re-directing to appropriate thread with a link and not continuing to discuss off- topic comments,

    Off - Topics: "there should be penalties" for constant offenders, a reaction button for this, "here's" take you off-topic, it's not only the average member doing it - the same rules should apply for everyone.

    Search Bar: "useless", "doesn't work", "hard to use"

    Superstars Programme: benefits and point opportunities revised when effecting the "Get Started" Area to lessen confusion, re-directing and navigation issues, clearer job description, abilities, responsibilities and codes of conduct. Accountability and transparency. A job or Community designation to avoid "too many cooks", Superstars could be chosen by management and asked if it's something they would like, as a reward for being " All things Community" rather than just a "title to aim for through points and comments" (comments currently include counting games, which are a poor reflection of actual Community participation and "housemate" encouragement and support).

    Categories and sub - categories: hot topic, discussions, ideas, votes, polls, competitions etc Icons on main access page need them also, Improve "green box" content and categories for navigation and visibility and ease of use. Read Only and by @Community_Team or CM's only .

    Ambassadors: have a "colour" also, "symbol for years of service recognition", abilities and benefits that are at least equal to Superstars to lessen clutter in "asking for help to do menial jobs" and improve PR reputation and respect, easier integration of new members to avoid "unsupported language" reminders and confusion in navigation, off-topic or posting in the wrong place. Allow for growth and "next generation".

    Fun Areas: Put all counting games there to de-clutter The Hub ( Similar to Farm Heroes), moderate games that are purely for fun and "entertainment" (these should not be eligible for points or "upping reactions, as it is "ill - earning" badges. Award badges and prizes separately and have clearer boundaries ( eliminates the need for double accounts and is fairer).

    The Hub: Improve "get started" area with less re-writes and "here's" to help navigation, feature and functions and standards of expected behaviour. Re-write manuals, guides and How - to's for greater clarity, expectations, responsibilities and understanding the application of King Values. A CM would be a beneficial addition in "filling" and "atmosphere" and "directing traffic" (PLEASE) (Also all the above directly relates to this particular Community especially as the "front of house")

  • hechicerilla
    hechicerilla Posts: 10,374

    You are so right dear @channie8 ... But unfortunately the system is that 🤷 It seems like everything is fine that way. I love helping players, in every way possible, there are other people who think the same and dedicate themselves to that, however the recognition and prestige seem to be marked by the point system, and then those who get the most prestige seem to be the "cheats." Those at the top are those who play dirty, those with duplicate accounts, those who are useful through useless games.

    Please don't be offended, I ask the CM not to consider these comments of mine as an attack on the Community and its authorities. It is not an attack, it is an honest opinion of what is happening in the community. Many see it, it is easy to see, and unfortunately the good ones leave. SUs who want to work well and honestly end up jumping ship, getting tired of competing with cheaters.

    I can't think of a quick solution to this chaos, everything would start with a general cleaning and I don't see it possible. We have a saying in Spain "made the law, made the trap".

    I remain at the disposal of all of you. Happy day

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    @hechicerilla @channie8

    Hello my dears Dear Channie: You put everything together nicely, thank you for that. Because I've been complaining a lot since I've been here and I've started improving it. It's going really slowly and I thought that it would never work and it's all for nothing what I do. I submitted a lot of ideas, some of which you submitted. With the subcategories. Only I entered it more specifically. To see it even better. @Lola_Pop knows. It sounds really good and it would be nice if it were done that way. I'm slowly not believing it anymore. I was also told that some things are doable and some not. Yes, many things fail here and unfortunately it doesn't matter. I agree with Isa: Duplicate accounts and even the SU rules are broken and it continues like this and nothing happens. Sometimes it seems to me that the negative and not complying with house rules is paramount here and I try really hard to get in order. But people hit me queer. I don't know why.

    German Version

    Hallo Ihr Lieben Liebe Channie: Du hast alles schön zusammen gefasst, danke dafür. Denn ich habe seit dem ich hier bin mich viel beschwert und angefangen es zu verbessern. Es geht wirklich schleppend vorran und ich dachte, das es nie was wird und es ist alles vorumsonst was ich mache. Ich habe viele Ideen eingereicht, zum Teil hast du es auch hinbterlegt. Mit den Unterkategorien. Nur ich habe es noch spezieller eingegeben. Um es noch besser zu sehen. Lola_Pop weis es. Es klint wirklich gut und es wäre schön, wenn es so gemacht würde. So langsam glaube ich nicht mehr daran. Mir wurde auch gesagt, manches ist machbar und manches nicht. Ja, hier schlägt vieles fehl und es ist leider egal. Ich stimme Isa zu: Doppelte Konten und es werden selbst von den SU Regeln gebrochen und es geht so weiter und es passieert nichts. Manchmal kommt es mir so vor, das das Negative und keine Hausordnung einhalten hier vorrangig ist und ich bemühe mich wirklich sehr um Ordnung rein zu bekommen. Aber man schlägt bei mir queer. Warum weis ich nicht. 

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    I was also in an online auction house, where you could either enter or remove the tick for online visibility in green. I think it would also be helpful for the profiles here. Green for online and red for offline. If you don't want to, you can tick the box. That would be part of a good forum too.

    German Version

    Ich war auch in einem online Auktionshaus, dort konnte man, das Häckchen für online - Sichtbarkeit grün eingeben oder entfernen. Ich denke es wäre hier auch hilfreich für die Profile. Grün für online und rot für offline. Wer es nicht möchte kann das Häckchen setzten. Das würde auch zu einem guten Forum gehören. 

  • Hi @Lola_Pop

    1.I think it is unnecessary that have a depart of "Support & Discussions",put them together is enough.(See the following screenshot)

    2.Please remove the "question" tag on the questions and not to appear the "answered".I want to remove that cos I saw many players prefer to answer those "questions" just because of the points rather than want to help others.For instant,once I asked a question in Discussions area,but I waited for the answer over one day.But after that I asked another one in Support area,it only took me less than one hour to recieve the answer(And that answer was in bad quality)😅

    3.(continued to 2.)I think maybe the tag of "accepted answer" is enough and any replies posted can't get any points in the "accepted answer" threads.The spamming posts can be reduced because of this idea.

    Hope you can understand.

This discussion has been closed.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?