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โš– Customer service outside the community --- Part 2 ๐Ÿ’ป



  • istuff
    istuff Posts: 1,715

    I also have had the same experience with customer support as many of you and like some of you I just gave up. Yes, I Have tried ALL the suggestions from The Community and none of them have helped. I have had an ongoing issue for the last couple of months and no one has been any help. It is a very poor way to represent a company.

  • 2easy
    2easy Posts: 282

    I had wrote emails few times..

    Got it back lots of auto text, like " thank you for contact us..... This issue we are allready know... Later you get email from us, please tell what you thing it about our service.. And plaaa, plaaa..."

    One person wrote about this " you are 85 times better then me In game, what i can see.. " maybe he look it my account, but really didint nothing for my issue In game.

    Write issues to this Community, you get helps?!?!

    If WE wrote to here like new bubblegum hill is not fun, gif old back, nothing happened. If WE sent emails and wrote same, they testing what is fun to players, what new not work emc.

    I had wrote my make a cake issue here and email to support, i still have that issue. So, this is last time when I wrote that.

    I not like when King write " you maybe know who have this new event and you not have.... We had a split fun... 2many players.."

    Why not write " our service it is big like Google, facebook,.. All cant play same time, no power to do that.... If Google have same power In they service, only 100k can "Google" same time, no more at same time "

    King try do lil money, that all business try do.

    King do that right? IDK

    (sorry to all who read it my text, if that was bad text, and my english was bad too ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜‚).

    " Do it, do it lil better, please "


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 65

    Level 3

    Well not much to say.

    Auto generated answers and "Go check the Community" only.

    Can't even tell if they can work on my Current issue with the Trophies in Crash on the Run.

    I just played like crazy and suddenly, poof, my Trophies won't be good for my Team anymore.

    Had to deal with other customer Services, but at least if they needed a Player ID or whatever they would bother to say that...

    Meanwhile, I Can't even tell if any Human looked at my initial Email or the additional 2 "Answers" I sent...

    But hey, maybe I just should go ahead and Rate the support as Terrible because it just doesn't work. It takes mere minutes before they want me to rate support (insane Timing if you ask me) but over a week after I contacted them and I still wait for a Reply.

    Don't want to be a jerk, but it's obvious it doesn't work right for SOME Reasons and the fact a lot of players got their same issue fixed that were only hit very recently while I keep waiting on a single REPLY is really annoying.

    Guess the moral of the Story is don't play games too much or else get flagged as cheater and live with the shame.

  • Clothsprogs
    Clothsprogs Posts: 23

    Level 3

    "I have had an ongoing issue for the last couple of months and no one has been any help. It is a very poor way to represent a company."

    They really don't care. I raised the issue repeatedly, got resplies asking for more information, but they apparently blocked the email address they sent those request to as they always claimed they never heard back from me and closed the ticket.

    They simply aren't interested in dealing with complaints or problems from customers.


  • LilyEvans
    LilyEvans Posts: 352

    Thanks for the tag.

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    I always kept my sent email and now wrote or sent it again. This time I didn't get an automatic. Because this time I wrote specifically that I would have a human response, and not an automatic standard email. See what happens. I'm curious. Because I turned very little to customer service.

  • 42320
    42320 Posts: 124

    Hi all and thank you for tagging me o this issue and yes I have a huge problem. I have an unusual amount of money taken off my cards this. Month and I went back and looked and there are double and triple charges to my cards for in app purchases that I didn't receive. I only wanted one purchase and I also looked in Gmail and there are not many tickets for these purchase sent to me in receipts. What can I do

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429


    You have to contact where you bought it. An email address must be stored there. Please contact the app purchase. Good luck

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,354
    edited May 2021

    Hi There is a priority process with customer services for example if your enquiry relates to any purchasing issues these are priorities and will get dealt with.

    If your enquiry is game related customer services are aware of our processes in the community which are make a game moderator aware in the first instance if they can't solve your issue they will speak to a community manager who is in direct contact with the studio and can almost always pass a resolution back to the moderator who raised the issue. This way is much quicker for our players.

    Where as we cannot deal with any purchasing issues this is why customer services prioritises these issues and know all other issues can the majority of time be concluded by players following the procedure that I have explained through first contacting a game moderator.

    So the best advice is if its not a purchasing issue then save yourself the stress and come to us moderators as we will always follow up your concerns and pass on the feedback from the studio direct to you ๐Ÿ‘

    We are here for you ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’“

    Please disregard this list. I have posted an up to date list below ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’“

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,363

    Perfect! @PrettyBubbles ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜„

    But please edited to change username is @Diamond Lim (not @diamondgirl911) and remove @Freddy_ (as he is not Candy Crush Moderator now), thanks again! @PrettyBubbles and @Elsa ๐Ÿ˜Š

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