Career - Then and now

When you were a child what did you want to be/do?
I wanted to be a trapeze artist or tightrope walker.
I ended up in an office job BUT am going to try both after lockdown restrictions are over 😬
Wow, don’t fall. You might obtain a sun Duran hematoma. Or a fractured sacral ala.
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@gemazing great ideas! I am from an older generation and back then careers and college were not a big thing. So I didn't have an idea of what type of career I wanted. I just followed what other girls did - took typing and shorthand and became a secretary. But when I was in my 40s that's when I started thinking career. I went to college and fell in love with psychology. I got both my bachelor's and masters' degrees but didn't want to do any counseling. Instead I created a mental health website and created mental health groups to help those who struggled with a mental health disorder.
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You found me!
Today is World chocolate day and to celebrate we have posted a fun thing in the Player's Corner. You can read all about it here: Today is World Chocolate Day
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I can't get into your profile. It's giving me an error message. I don't have those mental health groups anymore but if you have a Facebook account look up the disorders by name and you're bound to find some groups.