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Today is International Left Handers Day!



  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    The weirdest thing about this is that they say usually it follows in a family but I am the only left handed person on both sides. It must have come from a great great grandparent.

  • Iffu2
    Iffu2 Posts: 1,022

    I always use right-handed that I can write✍️, take heavily and etc mostly. @Elsa 😄

  • Anahita_2005
    Anahita_2005 Posts: 19,037

    Hi @Elsa! I was actually thinking to create a discussion on this, glad you came up with it!

    I'm a born lefty but do most of my work with both the hands except writing...maybe I'm more of a cross-dominant person 🤔

  • Anahita_2005
    Anahita_2005 Posts: 19,037
    edited August 2021


    I really want this type of cup!

  • Anahita_2005
    Anahita_2005 Posts: 19,037

    Yes @Elsa! That's exactly my case! There's not even a single person in my family who is lefty on my both sides.

  • GlenysB
    GlenysB Posts: 574

    Happy Lefthanded Day to all you lefties out there.

    I am not a leftie but my husband is.

    By the way Paul McCartney is a lefthanded guitar player

  • fabke
    fabke Posts: 3,970
    edited August 2021

    @Elsa good and heavy topic

    Thanks for the tag @Diamond Lim

    Happy left Handlers day

    1 of my good friends (51 y) writes left, there's no left handed in her big family.

    In kindergarten and university she had to write right or was punished. Where she worked, a supermarket or also as a clerk all equipment was made for people who write right-handed.

    I'm happy I write right @Elsa

  • Nat09
    Nat09 Posts: 12,561

    Hi @Elsa I’m right handed, so is my husband but 1 of my 3 kids is left handed ( the only one in both our families)

  • Bookster
    Bookster Posts: 362

    Thanks for the tag @DiamondLim 🙂

    Lefty checking in 🙋🏻‍♀️

    I’ve read that less than 10% of the world’s population is left handed so I’ve always felt like I’m a part of an exclusive club. Whenever I meet someone for the first time I look to see if they’re a lefty like me. I do that too with actors and actresses I see on TV and in films.

    I’m glad that I’m left handed even though it sometimes made things a little difficult 😄

  • Peanut7139
    Peanut7139 Posts: 1,731

    I have three among my relatives, they are blessed!

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