Member of the Month-August 2021: rebelchild
@greddycandy . I am sorry for not thanking you sooner. The start of school is a busy time for on top of everything else going. Thank you for your kind words💕
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@cassiegoodwin welcome to the community! Thank you for your kind words💕
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@caree2 welcome to the community! Thanks for the congratulations💕
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@betchiegrl29 thank you for the sweet congratulations!!!💕 and the yummy bottles of champagne
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@me6412 my very special friend, who shares my warped sense of humor and twisted views on life. Thank you for your sweet words. Thanks for all of the support you have given me and the many laughs. If I ever find I'm having a bad day all I have to do is go back and read all the hilarious pms. May the sun always be shinning in your eyes.
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@gr33n3y3z thank you for all of your kind words and the pat on my back
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@hechicerilla your not lost today. This was the first post of congratulations you sent me. Now if you send me more then you will prove to be lost. Thank you for taking me on my first badge hunt when I first landed in the community. You showed me that my main purpose in life is to earn badges
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@LoveDachs . Thanks for your congratulations. I hope all is well with you my friend💕
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@Elsa thank you so much for your sweet words! Now it's my turn to apologize for my lateness in my response. The start of school is always a very busy time for me. But I am thankful to learn that I never have to deal with another algebra class lol
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@johamilton thank you for your sweet words of congratulations. I am thankful I have you as a friend💕