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Community Improvement Part.2



  • I think we should make the reactions have more basic names

    For example the "Woah!" reaction would be "Smile"

    Sweet reaction would be "Like"

  • nobelove
    nobelove Posts: 2,904
    edited October 2021

    Thanks @Spinnifix and for the tag @Diamond Lim , Thank you guys, these are very interesting tips and suggestions, I am glad that it's on the table for discussion, aside from how great the members of this community are, I agree with many of these ideas specially what @kimelsdon @Bumper2019 have laid out, I believe it's clear and we all agree that the site needs a face lift for easy reach and be more candy to the eyes, As I may have couple of suggestion on mind to add about badging:

    1. Threads that have a badge privilege should show the badge logo beside the title of the post, and should be a sign or a mark before the title to show that the period of that badge is still active in Green or expired in Red.
    2. All active badge threads should be in one place with a link, for instances (On going badges) or (Active badges)
    3. Aside from the winner prize, all members that participated in a game contest should receive a badge, it makes more sense than getting a badge for just saying hi or congrats, that shows appreciation of their hard-working efforts

    Other suggestions already covered by other members.

  • nobelove
    nobelove Posts: 2,904
    edited October 2021

    Thanks @Diamond Lim for the tag and to @Spinnifix to bring out this file on the table for discussion, and thanks to all members of this thread for the helpful and interesting inputs and suggestion, Aside from how great the members of this community are, I agree with many of these ideas specially what @KimElston and @Bumper2019 have laid out, I believe it's clear as we all agree that the site needs a face lift for easy reach, and be more candy to the eyes, as I may have couple of suggestion on mind to add regard badging:

    1. Threads that have a badge privilege should show the badge logo beside the title of the post, and should be a sign or a mark before the title to show that the period of that badge is still active in Green or expired in Red.
    2. All active badge threads should be in one place with a link, for instances (On going badges) or (Active badges)
    3. Aside from the winner prize, all members that participated in a game contest should receive a badge, it makes more sense than getting a badge for just saying hi or congrats, that shows appreciation of their hard-working efforts.

    Other suggestions already covered by other members.

  • lelensp
    lelensp Posts: 52,948

    One thing i like in the community is getting to know people from other places who treat players as if they have known them for a long time. There is a motivation to be helpful not because of rewards but because of the spirit.

    One thing that needs improvement is navigation for activities. It took me too long to know where discussions are. And ive been trying to look for old discussions which up to now i have not found yet.

    I wanted to know what topics best aroust interest and avoid repetition.

    Maybe as a a 6months bewbie i still have to learn more on how to navigate faster.

  • hechicerilla
    hechicerilla Posts: 10,374

    Honey, the reaction haha ​​is smile right? The woah is more like awe. I think

  • hechicerilla
    hechicerilla Posts: 10,374

    Hello Darling.

    Do you know how to use the search engine? I mean the magnifying glass at the top right. There you write what you want to search for, wait a moment and a list appears with the words you used, then you can select the ones you want to see

  • hechicerilla
    hechicerilla Posts: 10,374

    I don't think it's a good idea to mark badges that way. If it were done they would be giving the job done to the navigators hehehe The good thing is that everyone explores the Community, visits, read, participates, etc. and thus they are surprised to find prizes.

  • Racoon7
    Racoon7 Posts: 20,742

    Thank you for the tag @Spinnifix and @Diamond Lim It has been very interesting reading everyone's excellent suggestions.

    I have also struggled to navigate around the community, and agree that this area needs attention.

  • nobelove
    nobelove Posts: 2,904

    Remember in marketing that if you are not well orgnised you will lose customer interest fast, beside you can not force people as where to go or what to do on thier free time, they should have thier free well to fitch what they need upon thier time schodule. I understand your point but think outside the box to see the global interest, I am just sharing my 35 years of experience in this field as a brand director, it may shed some light to who needs it.

  • lelensp
    lelensp Posts: 52,948

    Thanks @hechicerilla ill try to navigate through it.

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