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King's Original Website Royal Games is Closing 😢

Hi everyone, I wasn't sure where to put this so I hope it's okay that I am posting this here. I just wanted to let everyone know that King's old website Royal Games is closing on December 7, 2021.

In case anyone didn't know, Royal Games was the original King dot com website. When this website was created the parent company gave that old website the new name "Royal Games".

Royal Games was my first brush with many of the King Games that exist today. I played the original Candy Crush, Pet Rescue and Bubble Witch all at Royal Games first, before I started playing them here or on my mobile phone. Besides those classic King games the Royal Games website had maybe a hundred or more other fun games to play. You could also compete against other players to win jewels which you could then use to buy items to decorate a scene on your profile page. This was mine:

Last year when support for Flash was ending Royal Games converted a few of their more popular games to HTML 5 but many other games were not converted and disappeared from the website. I still visited the site at least once a week to play some of my favorite games that remained. When I logged on today however I saw this message:

It makes me sad to see Royal Games going away. I've been a member there since 2012 and had so much fun playing games there and decorating my castle on my profile page. Like I mentioned it was my first experience with the King games that I play now so I will always have fond memories of the place. There's no place for players like me to make a community post on that site however so I made this one here. Again I hope it's okay. I wanted to post somewhere and share my gratitude for all the fun times and memories I have had for Royal Games. And I wanted to thank King for giving me so many happy hours at Royal Games. My heart is broken that Royal Games is going away but I'm glad that King is still here. 😭💔



  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,717

    Hi @Bookster!

    Thanks for sharing this info. It's definitely sad to see it closing. I guess it is done for business reason. I haven't played any of the Royal Games but I did visited that page before after a player here reported some issues about that page.

    Hope to see you around the Community and have a great week ahead!

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,775

    Thank you for your sharing this sad information. @Bookster 😌

    @wykoon - Should I tag them to check Royal Games' Information? 🤔

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Hello and welcome

    I think I know you. I have deregistered from Royal Games. I also printed out the picture.

    I am glad that it will be closed. In the live games I had noticed again and again that the rules of the game were not being followed and the players were only insulted, etc. That's why I left the games. In the reviews I read that many players could not withdraw their money and that their accounts were immediately blocked. Even when the players switched to HTML5, it was no longer a good gaming experience. The players just made you lose your money. And the players were made more difficult. That's why I signed off there much earlier. I then went to the legends that are fun and you have your peace of mind.

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,775

    @wykoon @Spinnifix - Should I tag them to check Royal Games' Information? 🤔

  • Bookster
    Bookster Posts: 362

    Sorry to hear of your bad experiences there, @Spinnifix . I know from reading the comments at the Fool’s Blog that many paid players have had difficulty withdrawing their money. I myself never paid to play, I was always a free player so I never had any problems in that area and my time there at Royal Games was a happy one. 😊

  • Bookster
    Bookster Posts: 362

    Sorry to hear of your bad experience there, @Spinnifix. I know from reading the comments at The Fool’s Blog on Royal Games that many players have had difficulty in withdrawing their money. I myself was never a paid player but always a free player so I never had any problems in that area and my time at Royal Games was a happy one. 😊 The only problem I had was that so many of my favorite games were not converted from Flash to HTML 5 and thus were lost. I also have a friend there who I’m hoping will join this forum so I can keep in touch.

  • Achia1411
    Achia1411 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Ich gehöre auch zu denjenigen die lange, lange Jahre bei Royal Games gespielt haben. Leider, auch wenn dort nicht alles passte, gibt es so gut wie keine vergleichbare Spieleplattform auf der man mit seinen Freunden spielen und kommunizieren kann. Einige andere wie m2p, GameDuell etc. habe ich ausprobiert, aber so ausgereift sind deren Seiten noch nicht. Also ging ich zurück, wie ich meintee, zu in der Hoffnung, hier wieder wie früher spielen zu können. Aber auch hier wurde so viel umgestellt, dass es mir bislang noch gelungen ist zu erkunden, wie der Aufbau der Seite ist. Ich komme nur von Info zu Info, ein Spiel habe ich noch nicht gespielt.......

    Hoffe noch immer, dass es mir, vielleicht mit eurer Hilfe, in den nächsten Tagen gelingt!😀

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Hallo und Herzlich Willommen

    Schön einen neuen deutschen Spieler zu begrüßen können.

    Bitte beachte das du hier in englisch posten mußt. Es ist kein Problem, da ich auch übersetzen muß und nehme diese Übersetzer dazu:

    Es gibt auch einen deutschen Bereich und dort können wir uns in aller Ruhe unterhalten und ich zeige dir weiteres und helfe dir hier.

    Alles liebe und Gute

  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,717

    Hi, it's not necessary to tag since it's not related to King's game 😅. The affected players will have the info once they log in via that website, I think 😄

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429


    In Rg there are the very simple games. Here at the legends were made out of it. Just as a wisdom. Both sides have to do with it.😉

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?