⭐️ The Community has a brand new look
The font is so small :( I can't read anything, I have to squint.
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Doondie has already covered everything that is wrong with this new look Fluffy dinosaur, but I will back up what he has said
The chosen font is too small for mobile users and it makes just about every aspect of the site difficult to read. You already knew this though after all the complaints you got from the previous time you used this font.
Tagging doesn't work.
Clicking my Avatar only works on the front page of a board.
The menu button doesn't work, but I am guessing this is because you have removed the home page of each game.
On mobile the constant appearance of the green '+' obscures too much of the screen, as does the new up arrow.
The green icons for each board (discussion, idea, etc.) are too big and take up too much of the screen.
Oh, one other thing please stop the 'merge account' message appearing every time I click on a new thread.
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that's not strictly true.
tagging doesn't seem to work on mobile, but it does on desktop.
the font on mobile doesn't seem quite so bad as it does desktop. On mobile the email and notifications icons are a lot bigger.
I was trying to use the snipping tool but it refused to I will compare images tomorrow.
there are most definitely teething bugs.
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I think the downplay of our post count and point count will drive many long-time users away.
Also, I don't think it is very safe to be sharing so many people's email addresses. I've visited a couple profiles and can see their personal emails. Is this not a security issue? Oh my.
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I do however have two menus.
and my image vanished the first time but I also have randomly, two comment boxes..
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I always use an iPhone 📱
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I like the old screens in the community. When I earned badges, the pictures had a description of when they happened and you could see the dates of events. Now, all the badges are small.
The fonts on the numbers are too small. This happened during the summer and it was fixed.
I agree with the comments from @rebelchild , @CassD and @zainab786.
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What can I say? Everything is just getting worse more and more...
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@Lindark I have visited a few players profiles but I have not seen any personal info revealed. However some of the Game Moderators profiles show up as private which I find strange???
I do not care for the new profile page. You can not see what the Badges look like anymore or what they are for.
The font on the numbers is too small and weird looking.
Navigation around the website on a PC/laptop might be an improvement still checking it out. I have not checked out things on my mobile yet.