⭐️ The Community has a brand new look
This issue should now be fixed, if you still see the error please remember to clear your cache ☺️
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Why don't let us choose old or new version to navigate King community? To me I like the old version, because easy to read (font bigger) and not so laggy.
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I have been able to log in now (I had cleared the cache), but still no notifications or tags.
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How do we get back to page 1?
Each time, you have to go back to each page, it's completely boring and long to do. Can you do something please.
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I like parts of it 😊
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@CassD did you get this? The little number indicating my notifications is not always showing up but my notifications are there.
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Hi @FluffyDinosaur can you say when we will have emails for notifications ? As I posted previously o find where you must react (on comments) or participate (on contest) is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
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@FluffyDinosaur another important comment.
On any discussion you must show the player who posted the last comment, as it was previously. Right now I don't know if I can comment to any iscussion and I have to enter and see if I can. .