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⭐️ The Community has a brand new look



  • bbon519w
    bbon519w Posts: 9

    Level 2

    hello...why can I receive the community brand new look. on my email...but I can't play my games through my you changed that...I would like my original games back

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,238

    Hello there and Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👋😊

    Oh! I think you just joined on this community now! So you never know how new look looks like on this community! Check out the new look here again! 😊

    This community website (King Community) is only Discussions, Contests, Ideas and Feedbacks about King's Game (not playing the game).

    If you want to play any King's Game (Games) on any devices : 

    Type of phone's Version (such as Android, iOS/iPhone/iPad and Amazon) : You can search 'King' then you click on any King's Game (Games) to show 'Saga' by King then you download it/them on Google Play Store (Android) / App Store (iOS/iPhone/iPad) / Amazon. 

    Computer Version (such as Facebook and Windows 10) : You can't download then search and play Candy Crush Games, Farm Heroes, Pet Rescue and Blossom Blast Saga only on Facebook.

    You can also download Candy Crush Games, Farm Heroes, Pet Rescue, Bubble Witch 3 and Blossom Blast Saga only on Microsoft Store (Windows 10).

    You can also check to select what's King Game will you like playing here? 😉

    So can you got to play it/them? I hope you can play it/them! Enjoy your happy playing! 😊

    You must also read the House Rules here first as it's very important to be read about King Community! Thank you for your understanding! 🙏

    You can also check more King Community Topics such as Learn more guides around King Community and etc on my below signature (click on spoiler warming button) here. 👇

    Have a nice and safety day! ❤️😊

  • LeFlarcane
    LeFlarcane Posts: 19,920

    This is how King Community forum just got removed the "Woah" reaction button. 🤯

    From "Sassy" to "Woah" reaction, but yesterday they removed the "Woah" reaction. @FluffyDinosaur, do you have any reasons why the "Woah" reaction is gone? 🤔

  • Xxander
    Xxander Posts: 5,902

    Still no awnser? 🤔

  • Oh no my favorite reaction 😭

  • At least the badges are still here

  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,698

    Where did the "Woah" reaction go? It was a perfect reaction, can mean different things. Not necessarily bad, not necessarily good. Sorta a your interpretation reaction. In many cases the perfect reaction. Will it be replaced with some other reaction?

  • parasjenni
    parasjenni Posts: 36

    Level 3

    I’m not able to ask questions on the King community page. Is that normal or do I not understand something? I had a question about the community profile and it doesn’t make sense to ask the question on any of the game pages.

  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,698

    What happens when you click on the New Post? Can you start a discussion and ask your question/questions?

  • Lady_Sarina
    Lady_Sarina Posts: 5,618
    edited February 2023

    I like the neat and uncluttered general feel of the new layout and not so much of the pink colouring that was previously used. In saying that though, I like the matching of the green and pink colours together. The orange, also used makes a great 3rd contrast colour. They match well and remind me of lollies.

    I like the subject area icon symbols, colour and size.

    Friends has a great pic of Olivia on the right side of screen and helps me remember which community I'm currently in, at a glance. This would be a nice addition to all the individual communities (E.G. Larry or Jenny in Jelly).

    Looks like the initial trials of fonts has found a resolution that works for most, so that's great and I like the current one. Easy to read and not overly fancy. Works well with the numbers also.

    I've not had issues with notifications or tagging, so all good there.

    Nice to see Page 1 as the current topic and easy to go back if I need to.

    Heading Threads for discussions are neater now they're thinner and I like that. Although, important topics could be highlighted for quick reference E.G. Support Area: There are 3 in Jelly that could be pinned to the top and highlighted. The go to Articles, to look up things and read before posting or get a link from.

    I like that Heading Threads identify the Author by Avatar and the most recent poster is named instead.

    Highlighting the Heading Thread, in the Contests Area, for those that are currently running and open, for quick reference would be nice also.

    Ideas for the games are great to read and supporting workable ones (or discussing them), although twould be nice if the main icon for them was in the Subheading White Ribbon (currently where the off-topic and level tips are located) and the Level Tips was the Main Large Icon instead. I've also noticed some great ideas, that if discussed and collaborated on further, could turn out to be really great pitches for the Studio's to consider.

    Sometimes I've seen many things that are game play related, that the members could help each other with specifically, that are randomly placed in off-topic areas/ threads/ support or ideas areas. Tutorials/ Videos and level discussion promotion, would be a great addition to a gaming community (more than what we currently have in the secondary subheading ribbon) and house a lot of great tips and would need a big area to grow it.

    The off-topic and Level Tips Ribbons could be highlighted a different colour also, to identify at a glance, when scrolling quickly.

    I like the new Profile Page look, smaller badge icons and that email addresses can't be seen. Not liking the grey colour of the Reaction Emoji's and the numbers on them though.

    Great to see the Community Website is easier to navigate, less cluttered and font easier to read. Thank you :O)

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?