⭐️ The Community has a brand new look
So many good ideas. 👍
Well what do you say to that? 🙂
So now it's your turn. 🤣
Good luck with your implementation.😉✍
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Greetings @Spinnifix I hope that you and all your teddy bears are doing well. We are great here in "Abearica" (my house).
Whatever new reaction that is presented well, that is okay by me. Because well, that is the way it is going to be...
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Hi @Scooterpie ! How are ya? I really think the new reaction should be ROTFLMAO.
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@rebelchild aka "Wild Child", I am good. You be the same as ever, good to see ya!
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I would have to make a new proposal for the profile. Recently, there has been the number of visitors and there could also be badges for this.
What do you think about it?😉😊
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it's the grey profile emoji's, which aren't easy on my eyes 🔽
Profile Avatars - there's only 1 option for Jelly. Would we be able to add another please....A Purple Striped Sour Lolly Tree even or Larry/ Jenny?
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I thought it was much better before. You could make everything more friendly with many different colors. Nature is not gray and white either. The colors enliven us. I love the different colors. So much could be done.
I agree with @Lady_Sarina. Unfortunately, I had to look for these actions first, because I didn't notice them right away.
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What I noticed: a year ago there were even more reactions from the players than now.
If a change comes now, then there will certainly be many reactions again. It would be nice if you could give several and not just one. Would certainly help.😊
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Okay, I've been reading along gor a while now! Interresting discussion 😇
First of all; Welcome to the Community @Novapichu 👋
I was a little disappointed by the remark to remove badges from peoples profiles (from CotR). There are lots of badges in the list of all badges (IF its up2date?) that aren't availible or were never given again. And if am correct, still even from older games. Thats part of "your profile" you worked hard for to build up. So why remove them? Are ALL old badges removed then? So why just for 1 game?
The "WHOA" isn't very special for me 😉 For me, personaly, its part of the forum to collect badges. So I hate to see them removed. Or let alone, the points being removed! In my opinion; a no go.
And there is some speculation about a "new comment". I will suggest one from one of the newer/smaller games: Blawsome Part of one of the smaller games; Blossom Blast. That game can use some "promotion" 😉 And Offcourse in the same system like "helpfull/Love/Sweet". Thats just part of the forum use.
Whatever you decide, it might never be good (enough) for everyone. So good luck with that 💪
My 2 cents