⭐️ The Community has a brand new look
Thank you reaction?
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A Thank You! or Thanks! reaction is a great suggestion!
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I get it, thanks for letting everyone know.
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@Novapichu I'm new to this conversation (thanks for the tag, @Diamond_Lim 🙂), but if you're looking for a reaction to replace "Woah", why not something like "Amazing" or "Awesome"? These words may have been suggested already...
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You are welcome and Thank you for your checking and get understanding now! 😊
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You are welcome and Thank you for your checking and get understanding now! 😊
Waiting for Community Team is still thinking about add new one reaction from Woah Reaction until they can come up with away to select what new reaction they could use. (They might create a poll or something) We hope new one reaction is better than Woah Reaction! More details will come soon! 😉
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I also like Thank you Reaction is great reaction! 👍😄
Yeah! We still keep our eyes out! 👀😄
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We could maybe have a couple of new ones although thank you might come under sweet maybe? Its a good idea though.
I just want one to respond to things like "I couldn't come into the community my leg dropped off" haha and love doesn't really convey my sympathy 😁
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Thank you @Diamond_Lim for the update. I was wondering what happened to the Woah reaction.
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You are welcome and Thank you for your checking and get understanding now! 😊