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Here comes Valentine’s Day!

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,544

“Nutcracker, when are you going to tell Tiffi how much you love her?” asks Yeti. 

“I have to practice what to say to her,” says Nutcracker. “She can’t even remember my name so how can tell her how much I love her?”

What a dilemma! He’s been in love with Tiffi ever since he met her in the Candy Kingdom but she won’t give him the time of day.

“The girls are on the CC Friends Saga path,” says Yeti. “I just came from there and Tiffi is painting. Why don’t you just go buy her a box of chocolates and bring them over to her with your flower.”

Nutcracker has to get up the courage! He will take Yeti’s advice and do it now!

Look at the picture that Tiffi is creating! Who doesn’t love those candies! The three girls are always together and this Valentine’s Day won’t be any different.

Nutcracker sees the girls up ahead but he chickens out. He will feel very hurt if Tiffi asks what his name is again. He’ll come up with an idea before Valentine’s Day and then he can give her the flower and candy.

With that he turns around and walks away. Poor Nutcracker …. So in love but can’t handle anymore rejection.

If anyone would like to share something about this holiday, we'd all love to see what you can find. It can be a video, song, poem, etc. Let's bring back the fun things to our community! So who is interested in joining in?

P.S. The CC Friends Saga studio created the story of Nutcracker being in love with Tiffi but she can't remember his name.



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