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  • snakegore999
    snakegore999 Posts: 632 Level 3

    Whoa! I thought you would be so surprised to see my fan art of poor Izzy winding up in a Bubblegum Trap in this forum. She definitely looks as if she's not having a good day!

    This fan art was inspired by the Volcanic Panic event that entered beta in June of 2024, in which the last level of an episode is changed to a bubblegum rescue mission where you have to remove all bubblegum to break a Bubblegum Trap that is holding one of three male characters in the game hostage, or to destroy the Bubblegum Shield of the evil Bubblegum Troll holding them all hostage once they've been freed. The very notion that the Bubblegum Troll would be powerful enough to trap characters in huge gobs of very sticky bubblegum led me to wonder how bad it would look if a huge monster like Denize herself became the Bubblegum Troll's next victim, and trust me, when you see her helpless, you will definitely want to rescue her, even if you can't easily imagine a giant dragon being held hostage and in need of help. The result is that a powerful trap engulfs her long, long body, sticking and rooting her to the ground and completely immobilizing her. That's right, all of her limbs are smothered and frozen in bubblegum, so she's not able to move at all! The bubblegum also sticks her tail to the ground since Bubblegum Troll knows that she has a prehensile tail that he'd be smart to disable with gum as well. And to top it all off, the slimy bubblegum sticks her jaws shut so she couldn't talk or breathe fire to melt out the bubblegum (although the Bubblegum Troll is kind enough to let her breathe through her nose and see with her eyes).

    After you've taken one good look at what Izzy has got herself into, I'm sure you'd definitely want to do anything to save her. She would clearly appreciate any help in getting her out of this sticky situation!

  • snakegore999
    snakegore999 Posts: 632 Level 3

    Summer is already here, and Izzy hits the beach as usual. But this time, she picks a more tropical spot and feasts on coconuts!

    She cannot resist their sweet juice, and she snakes up a palm tree to devour more coconuts, crushing them with her massive jaws and tasting the juice with her big, purple tongue.

    This picture lets you see how this monstrous dragon can go snaky when it comes to eating food - while still not being a carnivore. It feels quite fun to see her snake up a tall palm tree and eat coconuts, which are hardly out of reach for a towering monster like her. It's also another fun, goofy summer fan art work!

  • snakegore999
    snakegore999 Posts: 632 Level 3
    edited July 28

    Today was a momentous day, because it's not just the start of the Summer Olympics, but the release of a well-anticipated (though age-inappropriate) superhero movie! And that necessitates THREE pieces of fan art involving Denize and her husband.

    First, let's unpack Denize's sweet sports swimsuit that she plans to wear to the Summer Olympics in Paris, because it's quite sweet to have dragons competing in the Olympics in their year!

    This swimsuit is obviously different than the yellow beach bikini she wears when she hits the beach, designed to cover more skin for increased decency and reduced exposure for an athletic competition. Still, it needed one more detail to make it look sporty: add something that would help her best represent the Candy Kingdom. And that would be to stud the entire swimsuit with yellow lemon drops against a lilac background color. Yes, that's one of the 6 candies to crush in the game and it's her favorite candy! I also added yellow gloves to soften up her claws so that she wouldn't, say, damage the ball in a game of water polo.

    Now have a look at Mr. Dragon hanging four in the French Polynesia!

    Last year, I imagined Denize's husband taking up surfing in her family beach vacation photo. Never did I consider how his surfing skills could be of use in the Olympics until we all heard that it was going to take place in French Polynesia. While that does mean that Denize and her husband do have to split up, there's no doubt that this smart move will allow them to play to their strengths when it comes to representing the Candy Kingdom athletically in an arena as global as the Olympics! To make the picture more awesome, I decided to look into what the popular phrase "hang ten" meant, and it would be to stick out all human toes over the front of a longboard. But since it's quite difficult to draw Mr. Dragon sticking all of his six toes over the board to hang six, I then had to settle with him hanging four, thus allowing me to title this work "Hanging Four in the French Polynesia".

    And now, let's move on to the third and final fan art piece I released today, "Dragonpool and Yetirine".

    This artwork was also imagined and whipped up in a flash when I realized that Mr. Dragon and Mr. Yeti could make for an excellent parody of the Marvel superheroes Deadpool and Wolverine, just days before their film would hit theaters to mark their entrance into the ever-expanding blockbuster Marvel Cinematic Universe. While I will concede that a Dragonpool did exist before in a Southeast Asian mobile game Marvel Duel, I went ahead with the idea of Mr. Dragon being Dragonpool because a dragon version of Deadpool just sounds and looks awesome. And I also hit on Mr. Yeti being Wolverine because he's a tough mammal, and would still also look awesome with long, retractable claws.

    Of course, I made sure that their costumes would be as close to the real deal as possible. But for Dragonpool, because the weapons are age-inappropriate, I had to change them to comical forms. Deadpool's pistols are replaced with toy lemonade guns, just like how it was done for Denize's Lara Croft cosplay, and his trademark twin katanas are replaced with pretzel sticks, in a callback to Candy Crush Saga's 26th episode, Pudding Pagoda, as the weapons used by Tiffi and Bubblegum Troll for a duel. And Yetirine's claws were also changed from sharp adamantium to licorice to better fit the theme of Candy Crush.

    Their catchphrase of "Let's fudging go" is a sweeter, euphemized version of a more profane line from the movie, "Let's f***ing go". And also note that "Caramel Comics", the publisher presenting these parody superheroes, is a sweet parody of Marvel Comics, using four of the six letters of its name!

    Also, if you've also found the French-language post on this forum celebrating the start of the Olympics, don't take it to mean that it's a language I speak. I just wanted to take advantage of the forum allowing foreign languages and honor a common language used in the Olympics today alongside English, as well as the super-obvious national language of France.

  • snakegore999
    snakegore999 Posts: 632 Level 3

    When I realized that the Paris Olympics' opening ceremony was done on a river instead in a stadium for the first time in Olympic history, I just had to whip up yet another sweet piece of fan art because I strongly surmised that the Opening Ceremony being done on a river with boats containing each nation's athletes would give Denize a chance to shine on the world stage if the Candy Kingdom were to come in because swimming is her specialty! She would have the honor of towing the Candy Kingdom's opening ceremony boat with all her fellow athletes aboard, as well as bearing the flag of the Kingdom. All on a Year of the Dragon!

    To begin building this magnificent piece, I first had to give the Candy Kingdom its own flag, and my effort to incorporate all 6 candies and colors led me to create a flag that looks a little like that of the United Kingdom with its pink border stripes faintly reflecting the Union Jack.

    This would be one of the flags Denize would hold as the flagbearer. The other flag she has to hold would be a purple flag given to each nation's boat that would indicate its name bilingually in English and French. An example of both flags can be seen in this photo of the United Kingdom/Great Britain's opening ceremony boat.

    (For the actual fan art piece, I showed the French side of the flag just for kicks and tried to emulate the flag font by hand.)

    As Denize has to swim in the Seine, this is one of several fan art works of Denize where I don't show her legs, as she's usually depicted in official artwork and graphics. Her legs are underwater here, kicking and treading to tow the Candy Kingdom's boat forward under her own power, and don't worry, she's scarfed down enough zongzi to attain enough stamina to be the team boat's engine throughout the entire ceremony - no petroleum or motor needed. Her prehensile tail pulls a tug rope tied to the boat to tow it across the Seine, but I had to make sure it's tied in a way that her dorsal spikes wouldn't fray it, so it's tied closer to the unspiked end of her tail.

    One of the few final details that I needed to put in to make this Opening Ceremony picture as sweet as it can be was to have Denize wear a tracksuit that would all the Candy Kingdom's athletes would wear to initially represent themselves in the games. I settled on designing one that was as brown as a candy bomb with pink sweet accents, and the game's crushable candies scattered all over the front of the suit. Because Denize was going to swim while wearing one, the tracksuit could only cover her chest, arms and stomach so that it wouldn't get wet in the river. The other was to slap on a stock photo of a sideways section of the Seine as the background, and voila, we have our monstrous, super-long lizard lady leading the way for the Candy Kingdom's finest athletes!

    Oh, and don't mind the article in this forum about her leading the Candy Kingdom into the Opening Ceremony being written in French as well. I just think it's interesting to do. Bonne chance!

  • snakegore999
    snakegore999 Posts: 632 Level 3

    Je suis désolé, but there was a mistake on my fan art of Denize in the Opening Ceremony where a blue lollipop candy was left in the picture by accident. Click on the link below to see the corrected image.

  • snakegore999
    snakegore999 Posts: 632 Level 3

    Remember those cute Funko POP! figures of iconic fictional characters? If Candy Crush were to get those figures, I'd imagine Denize's figure to look like this!

    Doesn't she look cute? As usual, all Funko POP! figures are super-deformed, meaning big heads and small bodies, so I made some efforts to bring that aesthetic to this usually enormous and tall character. You can see how good enough that turned out.

  • snakegore999
    snakegore999 Posts: 632 Level 3

    The gold medal race is already heating up in the hot summer of the Paris Olympics! As gold medals are handed out left and right (but not exactly as often as candy), I'm continuing to imagine Denize and Mr. Dragon scoring gold medals in several aquatic sports to bring home for the Candy Kingdom! This small fan art picture below shows them using their prehensile tails to collect each gold medal they win. And yes, this is my best mouse-drawn rendition of the official Olympics gold medal design for the 2024 Summer Olympics.

    Because dragons of her species appear to have sharp claws and dorsal spikes, collecting and wearing medals demands some delicacy. To protect the medal lanyards from being carelessly torn by these sharp parts, the officials have to hand the medal to the spikeless tip of their prehensile tails, which can grab the medal by the lanyard and then pass it onto one of their wrists to wear upon.

  • snakegore999
    snakegore999 Posts: 632 Level 3

    Want to see one particular aquatic sport where Denize would be dominating? Here she is crushing artistic swimming in the pools of Paris!

    Yes, turning upside down is a popular move in the sport, and it's pretty fun to see a long, snakelike dragon like Izzy do it in the water. This gave me the opportunity for me to draw just her entire lower body rising out of the water while she's upside down, and for kicks, I made her giant tail rise up like a cobra poised to strike, or a looming kraken tentacle. Such a touch is sure to impress the judges!

    Of course, because she exposes enough of her lower body to let her legs rise out of the water to kick the air, I also had to draw the bottom end of her swimsuit, which I showed you in an earlier piece of art, as it's supposed to cover her cloaca between the legs (which I would dare not show you). And of course, I added ripples in the pool water for a small touch of realism like all the other pictures of Denize floating that I drew.

  • snakegore999
    snakegore999 Posts: 632 Level 3

    With the Olympics madness continuing in Paris, and Candy Crush starting an Olympics-inspired event, Ready, Steady, Go, it's about time that I show Izzy making her mark on the track!

    Here she is powering her way through the 400-meter dash, aiming for the podium to score yet another medal for the Candy Kingdom! In designing this artwork, I also gave her appropriate running gear to make her look sharp in the competition, colored brown with pink accents to represent Team Candy Kingdom. A white sticker is on her short running shirt, which all runners must usually wear.

    As Denize basically has a long body and short legs, it's also worth noting here that she doesn't prefer competing in hurdle racing since it can take too much of an effort for her to safely leap over each hurdle and be in shape for a podium finish. And to keep the competition fair, officials rule that she would only be considered finished at the moment her feet, not her long upper body that she loves to lean out as she runs, crosses the finish line.

  • snakegore999
    snakegore999 Posts: 632 Level 3

    To demonstrate that Izzy clearly knows teamwork in an Olympic competition, here she is in the final leg of a 4x100m relay race, where she prepares to run the final leg of the race once she can take the baton from fellow Team Candy Kingdom runner Tiffi on the track with her prehensile tail!

    To make the picture work, I had to contort and shape Denize's body to make sure she can take the baton as safely and quickly as possible. That means having to turn her head backwards to face Tiffi, and curling up her tail to bring the unspiked end as close to the baton as possible to take it. The result isn't perfect, as her head looks a little big, but you can definitely see Izzy doing what she needs to do to finish this race.

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