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(FINISHED) 1 year Anniversary competition! 100 Gold Bars to win!



  • Fakhri
    Fakhri Posts: 797
    Congratulations to all d winners 
    Takecare dears 
  • Mangai
    Mangai Posts: 65

    Level 3

    edited December 2019
    Hi @Crazy Cat Lad thank you so much for choosing me as winner..I'm so happy.
    But all credits goes to you only bcos without your hint I'm not able to done this.
    Once again I wish all happy community anniversary and congrats to all other winners.

    I like to receive my gold bars on Candy crush saga game and
     My game ID is 4631577917
  • SagaR
    SagaR Posts: 187
    @Crazy Cat Lad (love your nickname, are you a cat lover or does it come from something else?) - thank you so much, this is brilliant! I did not expect to get the answers right. Thank you for the valuable hints! I would like the gold bars added to Candy Crush Saga please.

  • Congratulations everyone! =)
  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,053
    Thank you for your giving gold bars on Diamond Diaries Saga! @Crazy Cat Lad 🤗

  • Betts
    Betts Posts: 294
    Congrats to all winners. :)
  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,053
    edited December 2019
    Hello! Everyone! 👋
    This contest is ended or finished

    Don't worry! I give another contest for you! It's "Oh! My! Who's opened the bird cage!", can you guess the name of the bird and where King's Game from? (If you have playing any King's Game (Games)) But you make sure to use SPOILER first then you answer it/them! You can chance to win gold bars too! 😊
    So click here 👈 to join!

    Good luck! Everyone! 👍
  • CarrieH
    CarrieH Posts: 3

    Level 1

    1-c,  2-B,  3-A,. 4-B, 5-B.     Great freaking game!!!
  • RobinCorte
    RobinCorte Posts: 2,264
    Wow! So many correct answers in the end and overwhelming that so many participated even though the questions were super tricky. 

    The correct answers in the quiz are: 

    1. How many hehe:s have been clicked during this first year in Community?
    B 21 000 

    2. How many players have joined the Community since it was launched a year ago?
    C 550 000

    3. How many Superstars has the Community had in total during the year? 
    A 19

    4. When you get to 25 000 amount of points, do you know what you will get then or what will happen ?
    B An exclusive box with King merchandise

    5. How many times have pages been viewed in total in the first year of King Community history?
    40 000 000

    So the winners of the badge and the 100 Gold Bars are.... 


    Congrats to all winners! 

    You all have the badge already, please post the game where you want the 100 Gold Bars in and I'll make sure you get them there. 
  • Weezy
    Weezy Posts: 132
    Thank you! Please send my gold to candy crush saga!
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