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  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,434

    @mercerik I agree but at least your government seems to be doing more than ours.

    Ours has now finally declared that vulnerable people should self isolate...that non essential travel should be stopped, people should stop going to pubs/theaters etc. Preganant women are not affected, but pregnant women should self isolate but if showing no symptoms should go to work...which is really confusing my daughter as she doesn't know what to do. Companies are at risk of going bankrupt such as the theaters and places that people shouldn't go to...all because of the word shouldn't.

    If he just came out and said you are not allowed to go, businesses could claim on insurance and people would know where they stand.

    We are meant to be going away next month (Still in England) we don't know whether to cancel or not as transport according to the trains company is safe. The government are not closing schools 🤦‍♀️💁‍♀️🤷‍♀️ Universities have moved to online courses, yet there was a stupid "expert" on the radio this morning saying no education will close for a long time because of the knock on effect on exams etc. I can tell you that the school I work at (age 4-7)has a solid risk assessment in place. Starting with parents are not allowed in the building unless necessary. All assemblies have been cancelled, no swimming lessons. If the school has a confirmed case (this country doesn't test unless admitted to hospital which came from the doctors surgery when they told the patients to go self isolate before deep cleaning after a suspected case ) the school will be closed. If the staff cannot get in and we cannot combine classes, it will be closed. If they feel there are any concerns to children, staff or the community, they will close and they will not wait for the government.

    Secondary schools (age 11-18) are running around like headless chickens making sure everyone has online log ons and has uptodate work and programms needed to access from home.

    Meantime my daughters school (age 7-11) we have had one letter saying if there is a confirmed case they will remain open until the government says so) parents turned up today to find they cannot take children in, they have to be left in the playground, with no plan in place for children with special needs or even forwarning the parents with those children.

    My son who will be 18 next month (and this has dented his plans) is the most level headed person I know. He doesn't panic. He has been watching the news avidly and weighing up the science part of it as that is what he does.

    He came back last night and said that if need be, he will stay on at school an extra year (as he has a confirmed place if he gets the grades he needs) rather than risk doing exams if they close schools and make other options available. Because of my health and his sisters pregnancy and his younger sister and neice. That freaked me out more than anything. He never worries. He is hoping that universitites in light of this will just take expected grades which he is on target for.

    Its going to take a long time for things to be normal again. I was meant to be having blood tests and a blood pressure check this week as it was due anyway but it was high last week. I was told this morning that it could be months before I get those checks so lets hope nothing else has cropped up in the meantime.

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,434

    @Elsa No because I never really had to sing it lol. We have a Queen who is a figurehead but she doesn't run the country, so you are either a royalist or you're not.

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,552

    That is so weird because in Canada we had to say the anthem every morning before class started. Then when we finished the UK anthem then we had to do Oh Canada! We didn't have to salute the flag like the Americans did many years ago. We still have a prime minister even though we broke away. That prime minister is another waste from what my sister tells me.

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429
    Hello everyone! 😉

    We have already been through so much, then we will also be through this. It is not all that is to come. Because it is up to each individual how he behaves !!! That is the be-all and end-all. You could be stressful with everything and then it gets worse. Why is toilet paper bought if it is a lung disease? It’s just in people. Instead of really thinking. It is not a stomach flu. People just drive themselves crazy. It's a good thing that my family and I are not like that. And here in Saxony everything is peaceful and normal. We already know how to lock up from the GDR era. So nothing new. I really don't understand the whole thing !!!

    All the best and life goes on ...♥🤗
  • mercerik
    mercerik Posts: 3,617
    edited March 2020


    We sing the National Anthem here in the U.S. all the time in Sporting Events, School Events and other festivities. Do you know that it is easy to memorize words if you try doing it in a form of a song? This is the reason why Song Lyrics are easy to remember.

    To free yourself of germs and other bacteria, you need to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds. Don’t forget to wash the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails. If you are tired of singing Happy Birthday twice each washing, try the Alphabet Song or Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star which lasts for about 20 seconds.

    Habits are developed by constant repetitions. If you wash your hands for at least 20 seconds several times a day, you wouldn't need to sing. It becomes a part of a routine just like brushing teeth which takes 30 seconds each side up and down.

    Song Suggestion: We Will Rock You (Using Wash instead of Rock) by Queen, not Queen Elizabeth. Do you know that song?

  • astrablacke
    astrablacke Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Rediscovered this game cuz of quarantine! ☠️

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,434

    I love that song @mercerik ! Good suggestion, I think most children know it too.

    Luckily I wash my hands thoroughly everytime anyway, just washing them a lot more now :)

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,434

    I foresee a lot of OCD behaviour after this is all over!

  • Betts
    Betts Posts: 294

    @Lim Thanks for tagging me. I think we all should calm down.


  • gr33n3y3z
    gr33n3y3z Posts: 9,493

    Haha I was thinking the same thing😅

    Like literally I Lysol everything in my house about 4-5 times a day ( not kidding). I'm a great with personal hygiene to begin with but, I'm washing my hands maybe double the times I normaly would before all this craziness 🤪.

    I most likely will run out of Lysol before toilet paper 😅😂🤣

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