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👑 The Kingdom Games - Vote for our King Champion! Quarter Final!! (finished)



  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,758
    Team 1: Misty, Wilbur, Kimmy, Fidget

    Thank you for your answering but I haven't seen you vote it yet. Don't worry! You make sure to click on "Circle" of idea then "Vote" button then you comment it again that you can chance to win gold bars. 😊

  • Team 1: Misty, Wilbur, Kimmy, Fidget

    It will be Team 1 according to me!

    Quater Finals Round 1: Misty vs Jelly Queen!

    In this round, Misty will try to hit JQ with her colorful horn but sadly before she does so, JQ will cover her with Green Jelly! Leaving Misty not be able to attack anymore... 1 Point to TEAM 2

    Quater Finals Round 2: Wilbur vs Yeti!

    Yeti tries to pick up Wilbur and throw him off to the Himalayas but don't forget, Wilbur is a Wizard! He knew what Yeti would do and so before Yeti made his move, Wilbur banished Yeti to Antarctica with one Magic Bubble! Yeti is defeated.... 1 Point to TEAM 1

    Quater Finals Round 3: Kimmy vs Amelia!

    Kimmy tries to pour Soda over Amelia so that Amelia gets distracted and that very moment, Kimmy shows her Taekwondo skills! But being smart Amelia jumps over Kimmy and kicks her from behind to a distance! And out of the ring.... 1 Point to TEAM 2

    Quater Finals Round 4: Fidget vs Doggie!

    Doggie comes running towards Fidget and was planning to bite Fidget to death! But Fidget dug the soil and made a trap for Doggie! And oh... poor Doggie fell into the trap! 1 Point to TEAM 1

  • Team 1: Misty, Wilbur, Kimmy, Fidget

    Mr. Toffee, the Refree of the Match comes to check which team won! He started studying the scoreboard! And noticing that both teams have equal points... he fell into confusion. But the winner could be only one team or else how could 8 Participants go to Semi Finals. He announced the idea of TIE-BREAKERS! He said that in this round there will be the winners of all rounds playing. From Team 1, Wilbur and Fidget and from Team 2, JQ and Amelia! 2 people vs each other!


    Jelly Queen applies the same trick as she did in Round 1! Wilbur is trapped! Sour luck Wilbur... Hey but where is Fidget? No one can see her! She has just vanished! Jelly Queen and Amelia try to find her, they go in opposite directions looking for her! Amelia then comes back and sees Jelly Queen has vanished! Oh no! Now she vs Fidget. She fell into confusion on what is happening. And yes she just did not fell into Confusion but really "Fell Down" into Fidget's trap! Haha! Fidget won! MR. TOFFEE ANNOUNCES THAT TEAM 1 IS GOING TO SEMIS!

  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121
    Team 2: Jelly Queen, Yeti, Amelia, Doggie

    Team Jelly Queen, Yeti, Amelia and Doggie is the winning team in the Kingdom Games Quarter Final!

    The winners that voted and commented that will win 30 Gold Bars each are @rajdeeptb @Diamond Lim @Unepica. Please let us know which game you want the Gold Bars in by posting it here on the thread.

    Congrats to all winners and are you ready for the Semi Final?

    You can find it HERE!

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,758
    Team 1: Misty, Wilbur, Kimmy, Fidget

    🎉😄 Congratulations! Team 2: Jelly Queen, Yeti, Amelia and Doggie! You can go to Semi Finals! Hooray! 🎉😄

    By the way, thanks for your choosing me win on this contest! @Crazy Cat Lad 😊

    Please put Gold Bars on Diamond Diaries Saga (I think you have my Game ID), thank you again! 😄

    🎉 Also congratulations to another 2 lucky players! 🎉

    @Unepica and @rajdeeptb 😄

    You win 30 gold bars on any one of King's Game on this contest! 😊

    Enjoy your having gold bars in your King game's choice. 😊

    Don't be sad! Other players! Here are another King's Game contests for you :

    It's vote favourite team again! You can click here to vote which team will you like the most on Semi Finals then you make vote and comment on that thread that you can chance to win 30 Gold Bars in your King game's choice. 😊

    (That contest is ended on 31st July 2020)

    And it's Who's hiding inside the Box? You can also click here to guess that you can chance to win 10 gold bars in your King game's choice (or also win 50 gold bars on Farm Heroes Super Saga). 😊

    (That contest is ended on 7th August 2020)

    You can also check and don't forget to see another hot news such as contests (join to answer it to chance to win gold bars too (boosters)) and other news if you have playing any King's Game! 😉

    So click here to check another hot news! 📰 Keep your eyes out! 👀

    Good luck and have a nice day! 😊

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,758
    Team 1: Misty, Wilbur, Kimmy, Fidget

    Thank you! @MightyWolf 😊

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 15,585
    Team 2: Jelly Queen, Yeti, Amelia, Doggie

    @Diamond Lim

  • Nat09
    Nat09 Posts: 12,561
    Team 1: Misty, Wilbur, Kimmy, Fidget

    Congratulations to all the winners 🎉🎉🎉

  • Amybound1
    Amybound1 Posts: 26

    Level 3

    Team 2: Jelly Queen, Yeti, Amelia, Doggie

    I am voting for jelly queen, yeti, doggie and Amelia

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