Hello its for every one if u not send me live dont eva ask to send u ok
and yah
*Edited by CM: You seem to be lost and in the wrong thread! Please keep it in topic - Our House Rules
Bien bien
Music being muted all of the sudden
I’ve been playing for about four years and just recently my music is muted whenever I start playing. Is there a way to fix this? Thanks in advance.
My game progress was lost
My game progress was lost after i logged out and logged in again i was in leve l1565 but now im in level 10000 how can i get it back
New Member
I just Join the community I want to know how I can talk to my friends, added on my profile
Como se podría mejorar el juego para llamar más la atención.
Papa Pear Saga! Gone?
Hello everyone! I’ll be quick… I’m a huge fan of Papa Pear, but for a while I noticed that it hasn’t been working properly (like the internet functions, gifting and receiving lives or changing profile pic), at first I didn’t think much of it, but now it really got me and thought maybe it was my phone’s problem, so I…
I have a new phone and my level is not matching
Put me back on my level in my game on juice jam game my level was my number was over 2015 I have been playing for years please put me back on my level of juice jam game please
Comprei e não chegou
Fiz o pix e minhas recompensa não chegou *Edited by CM: ⛔️ That’s too much personal information. We have edited/removed the screenshot as it was showing your email address. For your own safety and protection, do not share your email address - Our House Rules