Crazy Cat Lad I know it's ok to ask for help but not when it becomes an everyday twice a day thing from the exact same people there needs to be a limit on how many times they can ask someone and they always choose me and ever since I came back from a break an unknown unnamed player has asked me for help over 50 times on…
Freddy don't talk to me like I do not need your attitude or input I'm truly sick and tired of men always talking down to me and other women as if we're ignorant (Edit: Offensive)
Also stop announcing it's your opinion, we're not idiots don't respond to my opinions if you're so offemnded by what I say, grow a pair and keep your opinions to yourselves no need to be nasty to new players, grow up or get off the site.
Well Arwen777 nobody needs your attitude or your opinion when players are violating the rules and harassing other players repeatedly we also don't need your disrespect or snortty comments that's also a violation of using this site and I have been disrespectedasince day 1 from players who obviously ignore the sites rules.
IrishLizzie07 why you crying to me? nothing I can do about it go complain to the owner of the site.
Pretty Bubbles many people who respond to my comments are rather rude and disrespectful to my concerns and think it's ok to laugh at me or criticize how I express myself which shouldn't be allowed, and the same unknown player keeps bothering me for extra lives on Candy Crush Saga and I'm truly tired of them always asking…
(Edit by CM: Rude)
There is a player who continues to pester me for extra lives but does not identify themself which is rude, what is it gonna take to get through to this clown that I am not going to help them? why keep bothering the same person repeatedly when there are millions of other players to ask and should comprehend by now that I'm…
Nobody should be so dependent on other players for extra lives like this creep who keeps hounding me, yes it's nice if it only happens once or twice but not consistently but this is like an addict relying on his pusher and he refuses to leave me alone and I don't need anyone telling me it's a nice gesture to help someone…
Sorry about the typos the font is too small to read even though I have glasses it's hard to read.